Good Old Fashioned TORTURE.

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Bill P.O.V:

I brought Pinetree to the training area I put in his room. I didn't think he needed it, but it lets us spawn a clone of anyone or anything. I was just staring at Pinetree as he threw knives at Dippie Fresh clones I made. "Hey Bill?"

"Yeah Pinetree?"

"Got any ideas? Just doing this is getting boring." Does that mean?

"Does that mean you want to try torturing him?" I said hopeful.

"I don't know. I don't get the rush anymore just, doin' it quick and painless, Hup!" He threw another knife, but he missed Dippie's chest and it hit his eye instead, and due to the sunglasses, glass shards entered his eye with the knife. "But without the rush... I feel a sinking pit in my stomach. I don't like it. It feels new. I haven't felt this before. Can you check what it is?" I looked at him nervously as that sounded like guilt, but he must have felt guilt before. I slowly nod and then check: Disappointment.

"It says that it's... disappointment." I spoke with a confused look. I think he's felt that before. Why would he not have?

"Oh... Maybe I should try something new then. Bill, can you bind the next clone up with his hands and legs above his head?" Wow. a torturous binding position.

 "Of course Pinetree!" He killed the current Dippie and I put a new one, bound just like Pinetree asked. His glasses fell off immediately, and he instantly struggled against the bindings.

"Yo! Wiggity what's goin' on?" I just noticed. Unlike Pinetree's beautiful brown eyes, Dippie's eyes were a piercing electric blue.

"Wow. She didn't even like my eyes. Shocker." He spoke the final word with sarcasm dripping from his mouth as he walked up to Dippie.

"Why the FUNK am I tied up? That ain't FRESH ya know." I wonder how Pine will react to that?

"Shh... Don't talk. You will only make this worse for you." Pinetree whispered, Shushing him with one finger. Wow he's really going for it.

"I'll stop talking when you stop bein' WHACK!"

"Tsk tsk tsk. What did I just say?" Pinetree said as he reached for a mallet and a metal panel. What's he doing? WHACK! Oh~ That's what. He held the panel behind Dippie's left knee as he hit the other side with the mallet. "Whack." Pinetree spoke in a flat tone when Dippie stopped screaming, hiding his amusement, though it still showed in his eyes.

A sharp inhale came from Dippie as he said, "Stop. Please brah. I haven't hurt cha'." He was barely audible.

"Oh you have. You're existence is solely because Mabel thought I wasn't good enough."

"Then why ain't cha' goin' afta' her?" Pinetree looked shocked for a moment, but quickly returned to the blank stare as he looked Dippie in the eye, holding his head in place using a cane I hadn't noticed him grab.

"What sort of brother are you? You'd give her up to save your own skin? How awful." He spoke, now smiling cheerfully. "Maybe I should punish you for her." He finished unhooking the cane and moving to Dippie's side. "Hey Bill? Could make it so the spot he's chained to spins?"

"Of course Pinetree." The spot on the ceiling where he was chained fell, pulling his arms and legs out of socket. Pinetree didn't seem to mind as he grabbed the chains and began spinning him.

"Round and round and round you go." He sung. Wait... is he- "Where you stop..." He paused as Dippie spun and spun. "Hey Bill? Make it so he can't pass out please." He's doing so well. I looked at him lovingly as I nodded and snapped. "Nobody knows!" He grabbed the chain connected to Dippie's right arm with the cane and pulled back as hard as he could, tearing around half of Dippie's arm off before stopping and grabbing scissors, salt and a bucket of ice. He cut Dippie's sleeve off with the scissors before he poured all of the salt into the ice bucket. Then he poured it onto a roll of bandages. He lifted the bandages, careful to not to touch the salty ice, wrapping Dippie's arm and wound in them, instantly giving him frost bite. He listened happily to Dippie's screams.

Dipper P.O.V:

Oh~ This feels wonderful. And I thought snapping his neck was nice. He couldn't scream when I did that. I grabbed the mallet and panel again and hopped around him before deciding on his right leg. I held the panel on top of his foot, hitting his knee from underneath. He screamed another wonderful scream as I hopped over to his side. I smiled and looked at him innocently as he watched me SLAM! the mallet on his back. The screams. The screams! Oh~ The wonderful screams! I couldn't tell you how wonderful it felt to hear that abomination scream! I put the mallet and panel down as I grabbed a drill, some screws, and some smaller metal panels, about the size of a finger. I walked over to his left arm and held his thumb up, pulling it straight and holding one the panels to it with one hand, as the other set a screw into one of the holes, with the drill pressed against it. I began screwing a panel into each finger, singing, "One for your creator's sins. One for being annoying. One for being alive. One just for fun, and..." I stopped drilling and lifted the drill over his pinky, slamming it down. "One to hear you scream!" I finally grabbed a knife and took off his hat. Lifting his hair, I saw the birthmark. I don't know why, but I hated that he had it, so I took the knife and carved the pine tree in its place, grabbing a bucket of red paint, I placed it over his head, which was facing the ground and drowned him in it. I felt so much relief doing that. 

Bill then jumped towards me and gave me a bear hug. "PINETREE!!! I'm so proud of you! Your first torture session! Let's get a photo! We need to remember this!" I don't know why, but it felt great to hear him praise me.

Maybe this won't be that bad.

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