Did Ya Have FUN?

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Dipper P.O.V:

I opened my eyes, slowly adjusting to how much darker it is here, especially when compared to Mabeland. I noticed something rather quick, I was on a bed. The room actually seemed to be a bedroom. Oy vey. That was awful. Where am I anyway? Who took me in? Why is this room so... comfortable? "Ah! You're awake! You took forever Pinetree!"

"Wh- Wait. PINETREE?! BILL?!" Oh my god! I can't believe that Isosceles monster had the guts to kidnap me- Wait. Somethings off. "Bill. What is this room?" I didn't expect an honest answer. I just wanted to get the question out of my head.

"It's all yours my little Pinetree." Was that flirting? What the fuck?

"What do you mean 'It's all yours'? Are you trying something?"

"Well, I saw your little stunt in Mabeland and thought 'Might as well have some FUN with him' and thus, here we are!" He explained, so casually that it practically conformed my suspicions. He's just pampering me so that I'll go crazy and join him! "Pretty sure that 'sister' of yours is the one who made that spark. I'm just tending to the flame."

"Wh- HOW DID YOU KNOW?! Wait. Right. Mind reading." Can't believe I forgot that.

"Yup! I wonder? Do you remember what it felt like? The feeling of having someone you hates blood on your hands?" I don't want to. Not to mention, I snapped his neck. I didn't have blood on my hands. "Didn't it feel great? Didn't you have FUN?"

"SHOW YOURSELF BILL! YOU AREN'T GONNA SCARE ME!" I yelled, probably being way too sure of myself. I didn't like how he was talking to me. I am not crazy. I am not crazy... Am I crazy? I shivered at the thought.

"Fine. But don't stare for too long! I still want you to answer my question." What does he mean? Why would I stare? A pure white floating triangle appeared and then a young adult, maybe 20 something, took its place. He was sitting on air in a meditation pose with his hands draped down over his knees, giving himself a triangular silhouette. He wore black pants, boots, and gloves, and he had sleeves that overlapped with the gloves in the same black. He wore a yellow tailcoat with brick patterns and for some odd reason his undershirt was white, despite the black sleeves. He also wore a bowtie and a top hat which were both black. His hair was gold except for an undercut on the left side of his head, which was black. His skin was tan and only one eye was visible, the other being covered by an eyepatch. The exposed eye was a golden bro- "Ya done staring yet Pinetree?" Oh shit. Turns out he was Bill. And I was staring

"Oh- Uh, Yeah? I guess?" I was embarrassed and flustered. He had changed his pose so his head was leaning on his hand, and he was staring at me with an unimpressed face.

"Uh huh. Then why haven't you stopped staring?" Oh shit, I was? I immediately looked away and turned my head so I was looking at the sheets. "Heh. Does my eye deceive me or is Pinetree flustered?" 

"Shut up, you dick." I said, not knowing what else to do. I was flustered. I don't know why, but I was flustered.

"Alright. Let's get back on topic. How did it feel?" aaaaand right back to being scared. Shit. "No need to be nervous Pinetree! I wouldn't judge you for enjoying it! I'd understand better than any human would!" he landed after saying that, walking closer to the bed saying, "After all..." he grabbed my chin to make me look at him, "They would lock you up and never let you out." He said the last part without breaking eye contact or even blinking.

"No... No you're wrong. I trust them! They would know I had a good reason." I was more trying to convince myself, than anyone else.

"Oh really?" He dropped my head, kneeling on one knee on the bed. One leg was between mine, the other next to me. effectively trapping me on the bed. I was getting a dirty mind so I was probably blushing, but anyway. "Maybe I should show you how Shooting Star reacted."

"HA! Like that would help your case! I'm sure Mabel wouldn't betray me!" I said those words, but I only meant around half of it. I think you can guess which half it was.

"You trust her too much. Do you not remember the reason you hated Dippie so quickly? He was a replacement. Someone she wanted more. Don't you want to make her regret that? Don't you want to feel the rush you felt killing Dippie again? Don't you want to have more FUN?" No. I can't listen to him. Drown him out Dipper. Drown him out. "No Pinetree. Listen to me." He lunged forward, pushing me down. "Don't hold back. Feel the darkness surround your soul and welcome it in. Didn't you love that sound? The 'wonderful, satisfying, sound'?"

"How do you know what I was thinking?!" My heart was racing. Every word he said made insanity seem more tempting. No. Don't give in Dipper. Think about the happy times. I was sobbing trying to control myself when he asked,

"... What happy times?"

"Mabel has always been there for me! Grunkle Stan helped me get stronger! Great Uncle Ford was my idol!"

"Shooting Star asked for so much without doing anything in return! She abandoned you without a second thought! Fez used you for free labor! Even I would pay you! Sixer is the embodiment of human! At least your weirdest feature is beautiful!" Did he just... compliment me? The look on his face says it was genuine. I can't believe anyone would think that. Especially not HIM.

Bill P.O.V

Uh oh. I just said that. He was looking at me dumbfounded, so I guess I had to check: Everyone at school makes fun of my birthmark. He can't mean that. But otherwise I'm normal! I don't get it. Pinetree... you're anything but normal, and your birthmark is what I meant! I need to show you how much better you are then those fools.

"Pinetree... Your birthmark is exactly what I'm talking about. THE FUCKING STARS MARKED YOU AS SPECIAL! How do you not think that's beautiful?" And I just spilled everything to him.

"Oh wow... That's... the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me. I- I don't know what to say... Thank you?" 

"You're welcome Pinetree." Back to showing him the truth now. "Anyways, I still need to get you to understand how awful they were. Let me show you how Shooting Star was talking after you passed out." I snapped my fingers so we could watch Shooting Stars memories.

"Where are we?" He asked me.

"Shooting Star's mindscape." 

"Ah, that makes sense. It looks like a mini Mabeland."

I put on sunglasses and offer him another pair. "Here. Keep your eyes safe. Don't want to get another migraine." He grabs them, looking at me suspiciously. "Here's the memory I wanted to show you." I grabbed the handle of the door and let him watch with me.

He was staring in disbelief as he watched. "No... No. you must have messed with her memories! She... She wouldn't... wait." I looked back to the memory to see why he was confused. Shooting Star had cast the others out for defending Pinetree! "I can't believe it!" He held his head. He looked like he was gonna pass out. I checked: She was awful to me! She deserves it! No. No. I can't. I care about her! Bill asked me how it felt to kill Dippie. Maybe I should finally answer... He stood up straight. "Do you still want to know?"

"Yup! Didja' have FUN?"

"It felt wonderful. I felt strong. I felt like a king! But there was a sense of... disappointment. Like I could've done better. I wanted to do it again."

"Well... Then I would be happy to let you do that!"

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