POP! Goes the Bubble.

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Mabel P.O.V:

Bah. Who needs real friends? I have FAR superior friends now! I have Dippie, and a new Wendy and Soos! Who cares that it's getting boring to have constant perfection? I'm not regretting my decision to kick my brother and friends out, likely getting them killed. NOPE! I'm not regretting anything. No way. Not at all. Psh. Wait- is that- "M-Mabel. HELP!" DIPPER! How did he get here? he looks like he's in so much pain.

"Dip-n-Dots! What happened to you? Are you okay?" I spoke in a concerned tone. Dippie grabbed my shoulder, hiding behind my back

"Sis. Ain't that the kid who snapped the last me's neck?"

"Don't worry Dippie. I'm sure it's okay!" I ran forward, only stopping when Dipper stopped moving and looked up at me. The ground behind him was covered in blood and had seemingly turned grey.

"Its your fault." He whispered, barely audible. He fell to the ground and a note fell out of his pocket. It seemed that he wrote it in case of this happening. It said,

If you're reading this, I'm probably dead. I wish that I could have explained everything to you my self, but everything is so confusing that I don't even understand. Go to the theater in Mabeland. It may explain a lot.

Love, Dipper. (="

I noticed tears falling from my face, wetting the page. "Bro-Bro..." I'm so sorry. For everything. "Hey Dippie?"

"Yeah sis?" He took his glasses off, seemingly about to cry.

"Let's go to the theater. This note says it will explain some things."

"Ya sure sis? This sounds like a trap."

"He was my brother Dippie. Even if I couldn't save him, I should at least honor his dying wish." I spoke crying immensely.

"Alright sis. I'll go get the others." He put down his skateboard and skated off with one last wave. 

1 hour later~~~~

Still Mabel:

About an hour later, Dippie, Wendy, and Soos all met up with me outside the theater. "I just want to thank you all for coming. I know this must be hard."

"Dude. I neva' met 'im in person. This ain't hard." Spoke Wendy, before Dippie took off his glasses to glare at her.

"Sis, I really think this is suspicious. If he came straight to you, than how did he find out what movie was gonna play?"

"I don't know Dippie, but it's just a movie. How could that hurt us?" I asked, trying to calm him.

"I don't know, and don't wanna know." I sighed.

"Come on. Let's just fulfil his dying wish."

"We'll be at your side the whole time Mabel!" Soos said, in a chipper tone. We walked in and got settled to watch the movie.

It started immediately with a scene of Dipper, standing there, staring. It was oddly chilling. He then flickered out with the message, 'Not enough?' then, Dippie flickered in, with the message, 'Is he better?' I'm so confused. The whole scene flickered out, and what we were met with was horrifying. It was a scene with a Dippie clone stuck, chained to the floor as we heard two voices. One was Dipper, and the other was Bill. "Bill, can you bind the next clone up with his hands and legs above his head?" What was he doing? The Dippie clone had a knife thrown at his stomach as Bill replied,

"Of course Pinetree." It then turned into a torture reel of Dippie being beaten and broken as Dippie himself started hyperventilating and crying. I hugged him to try and help. It finally stopped and I got off of Dippie so he could get up, but before he did, a metal band wrapped around him, pinning his arms to his sides. The same thing happens to my other friends as I heard Dipper's voice. I couldn't believe it. He was alive!

"Looks like you lied. 'I can't believe you would do this!' Is what I would have said before I snapped. Time to pay you awful replacements." He spoke with a certain darkness in his tone, before what sounded like Bill screamed,

"EEEEEK! Your first time getting revenge on family! I'll set up a party! with cake, and blood, and champagne, and wine, or do you prefer beer? If you do we can get that instead! Or maybe whiskey? Whatever. WAIT! IT'LL BE YOUR FIRST DEMON PARTY! SQUEEEEEEE!!!!"

What? Why is Bill being nice to him? "Bill. Please. we're still broadcasting."

"Oh! Yes, of course Pinetree. I'm just SO proud!"

"I know Bill. Anyway! You might wanna start running. We'll give you till the count of 3..." I don't like how he said that. I started trying to save Dippie. "1..." An axe fell onto Wendy's head. I started trying harder. "2..." A golf-kart fell on Soos' head.

"SIS! JUST RUN! LEAVE ME BEHIND!" He screamed desperately, but I had already abandoned one brother. I can't lose another!

"I'm not leaving you!" I yelled, managing to snap the flimsy metal and pull Dippie out just before Dipper said,

"3!" I grabbed Dippie's hand as we started running for the exit, the building crumbling around us.

We barely made it out as we watched Mabeland fade. it started turning grey and cracking, buildings falling down around us. Everyone the grey touched started turning around and chasing us. Dippie dropped his skateboard and lifted me onto his back as he skated us toward the edge of the bubble. When we reached the edge he said, "Mabel. Go. I don't want you to die on my watch!"

"No way! I'll find a way to get us both out of here!" The wind blew past us swiftly, drying my tears and blowing my hair to the side. He took off his glasses, showing off his vibrant blue eyes.

"Mabel, please listen to me! I don't exist outside of this bubble. I can't come with you. Not to mention that we don't have time! This place is falling apart around us. Please! Just go! Try to save the real world. If for no other reason, then just because I wanted you too. I don't think that I'll have an after-life, but if I do, just know that I'll miss you! I think my glasses can come with you. Take them. I love you Mabel." He shoved his glasses into my hands before picking me up. I grabbed a needle next to us and readied to pop the bubble. "Maybe you can make up with your real brother."

I gave him one last hug, saying, "I'll miss you, so, so much."

"I love you so much." I let go of him as he threw me at the edge of the bubble, the giant version of Waddles jumping after me. I popped the bubble landing in an apocalypse and catching Waddles in my arms. I look at Dippie's glasses before saying,

"I love you too." First order of business. Find the Mystery Shack.

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