Steve x Reader

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An: heres another really quick one while i get ready for school :)

Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader

Summary: your being a brat for Steve

"Go get ready, we have dinner with the team in half an hour" Steve looks at me in the mirror while he fixes his collar. Im laying in his bed under the covers just staring at him.

Theres no reply from me which makes steve turn around and gibe me the 'Captain America' look. "Dont make me ask again, little girl." At his words a shiver of excitment runs down my spine.

Master plan, activate. I put on a cheeky grin and climb onto my knees, kneeling on the bed and placing my hands on my hips. "Make me"

He coppies me positioning and gives me the same sly smile that im giving him. "You have till the count of three before I make you go naked." My grin falls slightly but im right back at it. "One" he takes one step forwards. "Two" another step.

He grabs me around the waist and throws me over his shoulder. I squeek and scream out, "YOU NEVER SAY THREE."

He laughs at me then opens his bedroom door. "Hey Jarvis, wheres the rest of the team?"

Theres hardly a wait before Jarvis replies, "the living room, Captain. Their waiting on you."

"Thanks Jarvis" he steps put into the hall way but i dont break my demenor. Butt ass naked and Steve with only half of his buttons done up, he walks us down to the living room door. Thank god its closed. "Give up yet?"

I grunt as a reply to which he swings open the door.

I shreik and Steve loosens his grip on me making me fall behind his legs. "Ok- ok im sorry!" I crawl behind the wall to sheild my body from the rest of the group that watches on, confused.

"Is she..... naked?" I hear Tony ask.

"Mhm" Steve hums. "Didnt wanna get ready"

I poke my head out the door "didnt think hed acctually do it this time."

"Dont make me pun-" before Steve can finish his threat Tony pipes up again.

"Ew ew ew. No gross. No more dinner. Disband. Get out of my tower"

"We need a bed for the night" i tell him.

"No, sleep on the ground"

"Not for sleeping." Just as i finish that sentence Steve turns and picks me up the same way he carried me down here.

"Bye!" He calls over his shoulder as we are walking away.

"Im hungry" i grumble to him woth my face pressed into his back.

He slaps my ass then tells me to 'shush'.

"Dont make this worse on yourself, pretty girl"

My hands ball into fists, gripping his shirt tightly. That stung.

I think of something that will make him let me eat. "Uhh, i didnt have lunch today"

He stops in his tracks. Bingpot.

"Dammit" he places me on my feet on the ground then starts unbuttoning his shirt.

When its off of him he pulls it around me snd i slip my arms throught the sleeves, he buttons up most of the buttons for me.

When the shirt was good he made me turn around, you could still see my ass at the back. He looks around the hallway then quickly takes his shoes off, then his pants. Very quickly he slips off his boxers and makes me out them on then pulls his jeans back up.

"Isnt that uncomfortable?"

He nods, criging and shifting his dick through the pants. "Yeah, abit. I need a shirt now."

I point to the bed room across from where we are standing, Buckys room.

He rolls his eyes then checks to see if hes in there by knocking. No reply. He tries the handle and its unlocked. Theres nobody in here so he speed walks to the dresser on the other side of the room. He pulls out a red and black flanno and puts it on. Abit small for him but itll do.

Once we are both decent we go out to the kitchen and Steve makes me a sandwhich.

We sit in silence while he watches me eat.

"Is that my shirt?" Bucky asks as he walks into the kitchen

"Yup" i reply, my mouth full of bread and ham.

"Return it before yous fuck" he tells us casually. Steve scoffs and i put the thumbs up to tell him 'ok'.

"Night" i yell out as hes leaving the kitchen holding an apple and a small container of water for his baby cat, Alpine.

"Night" he replies.

Sorry i didnt know how to finish this... there was like 400 other words but it lead to nowhere so im finishing it here

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