Ransom Drysdale x Reader

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A/n: idk ive only ever written marvel so i wanna try something new

Pairings: Ransom Drysdale x Fem!Reader

Warnings: smut, swearing, choking, hair pulling, vaginal sex, unprotected sex

Summary: Ransom is bored and wants to hang out.

I was just sitting at home after a long day of work when my phone starts ringing, i check it to see that it is Ransom who is calling me.

I ignor it the first time, leaving it to go to voice mail. About half a second later he tries again. Same as last time, i leave it.

I decided im hungry so i go into the kitchen and make a ham salad sandwhich. As i walk back intot he loungroom, where my phone it, Ransom is still calling me. I check the notifacations box to see atleast 5 attempts to call and nearly 20 texts. Im about to call him back when my phone vibrates and the ringtone starts playing. Ransoms name flashes across the screen with a picture i took of him a while ago at the bar.

I slide the answer button, putting my phone to my ear. "What" i ask. It was short and sinple and he knew to cut to the chase if i wasnt being nice.

"Come over." His words sounded slightly slurred but not enough to worry me. Its been worse before.

"Is this a booty call, Hugh?" He groans at my response.

"Baby, you know i love it when you call me by my name." I chuckle at his obvious horniness.

"How many drinks?" I questioned.  Hell know what i mean.

"Hmm 5 shots of vodka and a beer." Theres an 'oomph' from Ransoms end of the line and the sound of his couches springs squeeking.

"Fine fine. Dont pass out before i get there."

I took the phone away form my ear knowing what was comming.

"That was one time, Y/n." He grumbled curses into the phone until he sighed.

"Gimme about 10 minutes." Then i hung up.

Before i went to Ransoms place i had a really quick shower, seeming as i had worked not long ago, then got into Ransoms favourite pair of lingrin. I put on a red dress over it that was right bellow the bottom of my ass line, the top has thin spaghetti straps and the chest had a large dip down the middle.

I touched up my make up then grabbed my keys, helmet and phone. I have a charger at Ransoms house because the last time i forgot to bring my own i was there for two days.

I left the appartment complex and walked to the car park to my bike. I love this bike. Placing my helmet on then throwing my leg over the seat, i sped down the highway towards Ransoms house.

When i arrived it was quiet and mostly dark, exept for the loungeroom light and bedroom light, the only noise in the house was my keys rattling to unlock the door.

"Ransom im here!" I called out intot he echoy hallway. He called out 'yes' from the lounge room and i went that way, taking off my leather jacket.

"Hey" He scanned my body, pausing on my breasts then continued, again pausing on my legs. "Im glad your here" He smiled a boyish smirk that would make any girls knees weak, me included.

Skipping the small talk i walked over to where he was sitting on the couch, he only wore his jeans and his blue sweater. I love this look on him.

I sit on Ransoms lap, facing him. The obvious bulge presses against my thigh and i circle my hips slowly to tease him.

His hands find purchase on my hips and he holds me in place, groaning. "You keep doing that and im gonna cum." His voice was bellow a whisper buts he was all i hear in the deafening silence of his house.

I just smirked at him and rolled my hips this time, he groans and loosens his grip only slightly. I continue to roll my hips, letting out whimpers every now and then, until he stops all movement conpletely. The crazed look in his eyes says he wants me to continue but he also wants to burry himself in me so deep he would probably rearrange my organs.

One of Ransoms hands leaves my hip and trails up my arm until hes cupping the back of my neck, pulling slowly towards himself as his fingers knot into my hair so i have no control, he knows i like it rough.

As he pulls me slow, too slow for my liking, his eyes dart around my face, making sure to take in every detail. Finally, his eye sight sets on my lips and he completely closes the gap between us, kissing me, instantly forcing his toung into my mouth.

He groans at the taste of my chapstick, he claims it to his favourite flavour, cherry and rasberry flavour.

His grip on my hair tightens, making me moan into his mouth, and his other hand leaves my hip and wraps around my throat, squeezing tight.

With most of my air stopping, it was Ransom who took full control over the making out. A starving man looking for food. Im his food.

Ransom pulls away for a breath of air, releasing my throat and just letting his hand rest around my collar bones.

"Fuck. Ransom, fuck me" I beg him.

He chuckles at my needyness, ghosting his lips over my own while panting heavily.

"Beg me, pretty girl." His voice is barely above a whisper when he talks. Our forheads are pressed together and i feel his hand move up to hold my throat again.

"Please" It comes out as, practically, a pathetic whimper. "Ransom, please" I moan when he rutts his hips up to meet my core, sending a pleasurable need throughout my body.

"Well, since you asled so nicely."

Before i knew it i was laying on my back, on the couch, Rasnom hovering over me. Both of our pants are gone and hes working on unclasping my bra. One of my legs are hooked over his back end and the other between his legs.

He slowly fumbles with the clip on the back of my bra, i grow inpatient and draw my leg, thay between his legs, up so its bent at the knee. My knee is only slightly touching him, all of his movment stops and he looks down at where we are meeting.

A sexy, growl like moan gurgles in his throat, Ransom looks up to meet my eyes. "Just leave it" Im practically begging him for any sort of pleasure at this point.

He nods slowly, moving a hand to lean by my head to balance himself. The other moves down to angle his tip at my entrance.

As soon as his tip is breaking through me, i release a loud moan, which urges Ransom to oush further and further until hes fully sjeathed in my warmth. We both let out loud moans when he is burried to the hilt in me.

It doesnt take long after about three minutes for either of us to cum. Me spilling first, then Ransom.

We lay in silence, still cuddled together, and him still inside of me.

Eventually i fall alseep, sooner or later Ransom does too.

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