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Request: Rarry09

Sumarry: Antman is a vigilante in Sanfrancisco, after an incident where he turned Giantman SHEILD is notified of a threat.

Takes place around civil war, civil war does not happen this is the event instead.


"Repeat all of that for me again."

"Ok so basically, there's this dude. Dude has this super cool suit. Nobody acctually knows where he got it from, or where dude came from he just showed up outta nowhere, litteraly. Just grew taller than a 7 story building. Although that isn't acctual calculations, I failed math in highschool, my teacher told me I talk too much so I just flunked it, man. You know? So I said to her, 'you know what I don't even like this class' and she said to me-"

"Sir, what does this have to do with the vigilante?"

"Oh right, Antman. So I was just minding my business, eating a sandwich from my favourite sandwich shop. It's the one on the corner near the school. They make great sandwiches, my favourite is the ham, cheese, tomato and lettus one. Although I always ask for gherkins on mine. It just gives it abit extra salt. So I was eating my sandwich when my buddy Scotty calls me, Scotty was in a bad place at one point. His wife left him while he was in prison so I was like 'dam she left you while in lockup?' And he was like 'Yeah I thought we would always be together man'."

The SHEILD agent gives the man a stern look and he blinks.

"Right, sorry. So I was eating the sandwich when Scotty calls me, he says he needs my help with something and told me to meet him at some old house near the outside of town. I went there and there's the dude with the cool suit, next thing I know, the helmet of the suit comes off and there is Scotty."

The man wasn't even tired after speaking.

"And can you tell me the name and address of your friend."


The door bust open and a team in tactical gear walks through, scoping out the house.

Nobody is home.



"So some cops are after me?" Scott asks.

"Further from the police than you think. They're SHEILD, and they're after you. I told you not to grow big but you did it anyways. I warned you that the suit will be taken and you will be right back to living behind bars." Hank explains, furious.

Scott just nods while looking down, his hands on his hips.

"Give me the suit. I'll move the laboratory across country and you can go home and pretend nothing happened." Hank holds his hand out, waiting for the suit.

Scott puts a small box into Hanks hand, looking in shame.

Luis, who was surprisingly quiet the whole time gapes at the action. He whispers a slight 'wow' and continues to stare at Scott.

He walks to the next room and picks up Cassie, who was fast asleep on the couch, then they walk out with Luis.

Hank looks down at the small box, frowning. Then he turns away from the door Scott just walked out of, walking off.

"I can't believe you acctually gave him the suit." Luis says.

Scott, in the car, puts his hand into his pocket, pulling out his fist.

He opens his fist, looking down at the tiny suit that lay in his palm.

"I didnt"


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