Antman? pt2

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Summary: same as first.

A/n: I changed some stuff in the first one cuz I realised this would be after winter soldier and therefore sheild isn't really a thing so I'm gonna make it Hydra looking for pym particles which i guess is a spoiler but I had to explain myself.
Also they all signed the sokovia accords but they are now breaking them to get Scott out of there.
None of this is gonna make sense I'm betting but I wanna get it done so it is what it is.


"Mr Lang, your lawyer is here." The guard says as he unlocks the door for the previously mentioned man to walk through.

The first thing Scott sees is the red glasses when he looks at the man.

"Matt!" Scott stands up, excited.

"Hey Scott, didn't I get you out not that long ago?"

Scott purses his lips then shrugs, "I didn't even do anything."

"You sound like a teenage girl." Matt laughs.

"A teenage girl in lock up. You gonna help me?"

"Ofcourse I am, be patient and let me do my job."


"Mr Lang! Mr Lang!" The reporters yelled from outside the courtroom.

"Mr Lang doesn't need this, stay back" Matt said as he pushed through the crowd of people to the car waiting for him and Scott.

They got into the car, but there was a woman.

"Oh I'm sorry, is this the wrong car?" Scott asked when he saw the red head.

"No." Is all she said.

"Who are you?" Matt asks.

"My name is Natasha Romanoff, you would know me as the Black Widow. I'm an agent of SHEILD and I have a suspicion that somebody may be trying to kill you. Therefore me and my team need to get you to a safe house. We will be taking a jet to Germany where we will then take a plane to an unknown location. Any questions?"

They are both quiet.

"Good," she taps the divider window and the car starts to move.

"Mr Murdock we would also like to recruit you for this team."

"Team? I'm sorry ma'am but if you haven't noticed, I'm blind"

"I'm well aware. I'm also aware of your night shift."

Matt looks defeated but Scott is confused. Nobody says anything.


Scott is asleep in the back of a van while natasha sits up the front, Matt in the back and someone new, clint Barton, in the driver's seat.

Clint opens the door which scares Scott awake. He sits up and looks out the door to all the people.

"Oh my God captain America. Your captain america" he shakes his hand for an unessicarily long time.

He turns around to see Wanda maximoff, "I know you too, your great" she smiles at him.

"So you guys think someone is trying to kill me?"

"Hydra, last year they infiltrated sheild and took over. We thought we got the last of them but there are a few bases still pretending to be sheild."

"So the avengers are trying to save me?"

"Well... not all of us. Some think your a lose cause criminal and they arnt going to help. I won't be surprised if the Feds hire them to help arrest you."


"You got your suit?" Captain America asks.

Scott nods, steve turns to Matt and Matt nods.

"Suit up."


Everybody, now dressed in their suits, stands at an opening waiting for something to happen. They were tipped off the the FBI were acctually after Scott and have sent a team plus some avengers to stop them.

Ironman flies down into the middle of the airport.

"Tony. Ofcourse they came to you."

"He's a criminal, Rogers, gotta stop the bad guys right?"

Steve sighs, "He's just trying to help the same way we are."

"If the FBI is after him then he's no better than the rest we've put away" Vision suddenly says.

"Vision?" Wanda asks. She looks betrayed and sad.

Vision only looks to her for a slight second then turns back to captain Rogers.

"Tell me where he is and I'll let the rest of you go." Tony sighs.

"You know I can't do that."

"The sokovia accords state otherwise. You signed it steve, give up."


Then there was a blur to red and blue, some kid appeared on a tunnel holding Steve's sheild and Steve was now... webbed? His hands together like hand cuffs.

Steve sighs once more before raising his hands and an arrow flies through them, slicing the webbing.

She starts running when more people show up on Tony's team, they all start running at eachother.

Many fights break out between the two teams.

Daredevil goes for black panther.

Spiderman instantly goes foe captain america, obviously trying to prove something.

Vision and Wanda have a small duel that ends up Wanda injured and Vision comforting her.

The rest split off with Scott to try to get to ironmans jet.

Black panther turns away from daredevil after giving him a kick to his gut, sending him flying.

The cat chases after the team covering antman when suddenly Scott grows big and grabs a plane.

"What the hell?" Someone shouts.

"Holy shit" yells the spider kid as he goes flying into a pile of crates, ironman flies over to the kid.

"Woah" Rodey yells when Antman grabs him by the foot while flying around.

I am sosososo sorry I've just had no ideas of what to write and this isn't even finished lmfao but I'll attempt a part 3 hopefully soon.

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