Part I

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Before we start you should know,
This is a year after the events of arcane ep.9
Both Jinx and Lux are in their early twenties, cait and vi are in their mid twenties.
Updates will be inconsistent, but I won't just stop updating. It'll eventually get done lol
I do not own any of these characters
This is my second project, so it's still going to be rough around the edges
Updates will not be as consistent as the past story, but there will be at least one chapter a week. And definitely longer chapters.


After being kicked out of her home, Lux had found a home with her childhood friend, Caitlyn, the now sherif of Piltover, who not only gave her a place to stay, but a job. A job working in the Piltover's limited  BAU (behavioral analysis unit). She'd immediately been given one big case to start on, as Caitlyn trusted her abilities to do well with it. She especially got the certain case because one, it was a massive issue, and two, Caitlyn and her Deputy had a lot of experience with the criminal. Jinx. The mad bomber who'd been terrorizing both Piltover and Zaun for the past year and a half. Lux had never gotten to see her, as Caitlyn kept her in the office for safety, but she got plenties of stories from Vi and Cait about their experiences with the lunatic. She was given a small office near Caitlyn's, with just a desk, couch, and plants in it. Lux liked it especially because of the large window behind the desk, taking up nearly the whole back wall, giving a beautiful view of the city. It made filing through her work easier, which she had a lot of. Even without encounters of Jinx, she knew a lot about her. Her past, her conditions, and a good idea of her personality. Kind of just one big childish lunatic with a good brain. After only a little Lux was able to conclude a lot about Jinx, including the fact she had incredibly unstable schizophrenia, that being one of the main factors of her chaos. Vi being her sister helped a lot, knowing Jinx before she was Jinx. It made sense her condition grew as rapidly as it did, most women didn't experience symptoms of schizophrenia until their mid twenties, but Jinx most likely had in her teenage years, and maybe even sooner. Lux loved the case, it was interesting, and she was doing good with it. So good, she'd managed to narrow down where Jinx was hiding out.  A place that held value to her in her past, somewhere she was comfortable? Lux had noted Vi's entire story of the explosion at the cannery, and how Jinx had kidnapped her, bring her back there. It was clearly a place of some value to Jinx, making it a perfect spot to stay. Caitlyn allowed a team, including herself and Vi, to go down to the cannery. There they did find something, a basement type room, a giant pit with a enormous broken fan decorated with Jinx's graffiti and bombs. Reinforcements arrived as the terrorist wasn't there at the time, allowing them to prepare to capture her stealthily. Lux was ordered to stay behind for her own safety, last time Jinx found out someone was working closely with Vi, and made friends with her, they got kidnapped and beaten, then their mom got blown up. It was Caitlyn, who Jinx never did leave alone. She really hated her, and would often mess with her for the hell of it. Caitlyn didn't want that happening to Lux, so she was kept a secret. Only people in their building knew about her, she just seemed like a regular filer, nothing special. Since she lived with Caitlyn, she walked home separately. Besides, the sheriff often worked late into the night, Vi always stuck behind sleeping on the couch in Caitlyn's office, which she thought was a little extra, but they were close friends.
When Jinx did arrive back to her hideout, she was immediately tackled, her guns confiscated, and she was restrained. As soon as she was in custody, which was rough with all of Jinx's struggling, Lux was given the okay to check out the hideout. It definitely fit the developing profile, sentimental graffiti of the monkey, and even the dolls of her childhood friends Mylo and Claggor that Vi had mentioned being at the tea party. Explosives of all sizes littering the workspace in the center of the room, some still be built. It looked like Jinx was in the process of making more hextexh powered weapons, stolen books open with markers all through out them scattered around. Everything was interesting as she searched around the entire hideout. The tattered couch, the random pieces of furniture, the hanging bombs, and especially the graffiti. She made sure to bring a camera, taking as many pictures as she could before her film ran out. As terrible of a person Jinx was, she was really making Lux's job fun. She'd probably never get another case this interesting, especially now Jinx had been caught. At least she could still interrogate her, complete the profile before Jinx was sent to her punishment, that would surely be death, which Lux thought was deserved after all the things she'd done, however Caitlyn would probably just throw her in jail for the rest of her life, only because Vi wouldn't let them kill her little sister, even if she is a crazy terrorist who probably wouldn't care if she died. Lux didn't care what happened, as long as the criminal was never going to be free again and her profile could be complete.
When Lux returned in the afternoon after finishing checking out the hideout, Jinx had already been out in an interrogation room. No one had spoken to her yet, not even Vi. She'd been called into Caitlyn's office, which was plain, no windows, couch, desk with chairs on either side, and some fake floor plants, oh, also the papers that decorated the desk and walls. When Lux arrived,Caitlyn was sat in her desk chair, Vi laying out on the couch that was to small, even for her.
"Lux, how was the hideout?" Caitlyn asked looking up at her
"Good! I've got tons of stuff to go through after the little interview"
"You can stop working on it if you'd like, she's in custody now"
"I still have to finish her profile, then I'll be why'd you call me in?"
"It's about the interview, you have to be careful okay? Nothing loose she could get her hands on, you know better then anyone how resourceful she is"
"I know, I'll be careful"
"Don't tell her to much bout' yourself, she's real friendly" Vi added from the couch where she shuffled around.
"It's not like she'll be able to do anything from inside a cell"
"You never know, she's crazy after all"
"Don't worry I won't make friends with her, just an interview" Lux chuckled reaching to exit the room
"Really, you have to be careful, we'll be behind the glass if anything happens" Caitlyn said in a strict tone, understandably so.
"You got it sherif" she smiled shutting the door. Time to get ready. She had been building a short list of things she wanted to question the crazed bomber, it would be a long, but she often revised it. She decided to bring along a binder full of her favorite details as well, just in case there was anything in there she wanted to ask about. She had to make sure she wasn't actually making friends in there, Lux was aware of Jinx's friendliness, despite being entirely insane. Lux had concluded Jinx had no friends, as she was unable to keep them, either killing them or scaring them off, and sometimes just dumping them. She knew this how? She didn't 100%, but it would make complete sense with Jinx's past relationships with family and people in general. There's no way she could hold a friend longer than a week, it just wouldn't work.
After gathering all the necessary papers, Lux skipped out of her office, heading down hall and stairs to reach the interrogation room. As she neared she wiped the smile off her face to be more professional despite her excitement. Before entering the room, she checked the booth on the other side of the one way glass that looked over the room. The moment she tugged the door open she felt like she walked in on something, vi was all grinning and Caitlyn's face was planted in her hand. Vi was probably messing with her again, and which she did a lot.
"Heya Lux!" Vi smiled giving a little wave
"Hey, you guys ready?" Lux asked failing to suppress her excitement
"Uh huh, you ready for note taking cait?" Vi grinned over at Caitlyn
"Yes, we're ready when you are Lux" she sighed, vi must've been annoying her, which she was good at, but no one really minded, it was in a sweet way.
"Alright, I'll go start then" she waved exiting the room, struggling to keep a smile off her face. Time to meet Jinx, get all the information possible, and finish the profile, then the case can finally be closed.

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