Part III

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!!slurs, homophobia!!

She was a mess, and probably insane. It was worse than just being attracted to Jinx now. She'd taken action on that attraction, which only made it worse with the realization that she likes more than the way Jinx looked. Which of course, was completely insane, Jinx was a maniac terrorist that she was supposed to hate and be hunting. But still, here she was, actually starting to like her. It didn't help she kept making mistakes that winded her up softening up to her. The only solution was proving to herself that Jinx was not on the table to develop feelings for. Ice skating was perfect, usually something people would do to get closer, but it would probably annoy Jinx so much she did something that would make Lux actually hate her. It seemed impossible to not want to care just a little bit about her though, she was reckless and someone needed to make sure she was sleeping, just maybe not her, because she was a cop and friends with the people who wanted Jinx caught most.

Jinx had hung around on or under the bed most of the day, having to hide every thirty minutes when Ezreal checked in, which Lux thought was much, but it was whatever. She'd given Jinx some paper and markers to entertain herself while Lux came up with fake details about the kidnapping, which was pretty hard. Really, the only bad part for her was the rose bush and Jinx being so comfortable with her that she slept next her, which didn't help her situation. Otherwise, she had a decent time. She was of course worried about Ekko, who was definitely leaking something at some point, but she'd already made a plan for that. It's not like Caitlyn would believe Ekko over her anyways.

Thankfully, Caitlyn totally understood when Lux asked about moving out, and was actually the one to recommend changing offices. That would make getting away with interacting with Jinx a lot easier. Of course she was only doing this to research her, not because she wanted to hang out.
She'd asked Vi to speak when they got back, which she'd agreed to. Right now figuring out if Jinx's theory's was really true was her top priority.  Jinx would probably be happy to be in the room too, then she could hear it herself, and maybe consider being a little less hateful. That's another reason Lux couldn't like her, she was completely homophobic. But it seemed like it was only because of her sister and Caitlyn, so maybe she wasn't? Either way, she definitely didn't like women, especially not a rich enforcer. It would probably be worse if she did, because then Lux would be stupid and think she had a chance. Why would she even want a chance with her? Maybe being crazy was contagious.

"Lux?" Vi said cracking Lux's door, Jinx already scrambled under the bed, knowing she was going to show up.
"Hey, how was it? Find anything nice?"
"A few places looked good, but Cait isn't satisfied yet" she chuckled sitting on the edge of Lux's bed, making her a little nervous that Jinx might grab her ankle or something crazy.
"We have time, I doubt Jinx will kidnap me again too soon"
"Let's hope so," she paused
"So what's up, bout' Jinx?"
"Actually I wanted to ask you about something"
"Really? What's up?" She seemed to relax a little.
"Jinx may have put the idea in my head with all her rambling but," she had to pick her words carefully, avoiding slipping up and spilling about the real kidnapping experience, and making sure she used the right words for the best response.
"Are love with Caitlyn?"
Vi's eyes widened a bit, and she shuffled a little. It took her a minute before she could respond
"If you say anything, I'll saw yer limbs off with a bike chain," she warned, bring her hands to her face
"But yes, I am. I'm surprised you took this long to pick up on it"
It was a lot more surprising hearing it, even though she had basically confirmed it before. Jinx was probably flipping out right now, Lux was a little surprised she hadn't shot her ankles yet
"Does....does she know?"
"I dunno, she should, I mean I'm obvious right?"
Lux nodded, definitely. Though she thought they were just close before, now it was pretty obvious. Caitlyn must know right? She doesn't allow anyone else to do the shit Vi does, she'd probably have someone thrown in still water if they so much as poked her.
"I think she likes me, but I dunno, she's to focused with work anyways"
"If you ask me, she definitely likes you, can you imagine what would happen to someone if they did what you do? Even if I put origami on her head I'd get hit"
Vi shrugged and rubbed the back of her head
"Do you think you'll tell her?" Lux asked
"Maybe, if she really is just really good friends with me, that would be really bad"
"It's not like she'd leave you. Even if she is just a good friend, she likes you to much to stop"
"I hope so," Vi sighed standing up
"That it, detective?"
"Yeah, thanks for telling me"
"You would've found out at some point anyways. I'll see ya fer dinner?"
"Yeah, see you" Lux waved a little as Vi exited. That went well. For her at least, Jinx on the other hand, was eerily quiet. Hearing all her theory's be true probably hurt a little, even though she was so sure already.
"You alive Jinx?"
"That sucked" she heard Jinx grumble
"I wanna kill both of em even more"
"You really hate it that much?"
"Duh, one they're annoying shitty enforcers and now they're definitely going to do a buncha lesbo stuff, no thanks to yer support" Jinx spat crawling back to the top of the bed. She really was homophobic, damn.
"I still have to be her friend Jinx, and you shouldn't say that"
"Say what?" She raised her eyebrows with a little smirk.
"You know what word, you could at least not say"
"What do yew care, they're gross and stupid, deserve it"
"You're not even a little happy for your sister?"
"I jus toldja I wanner dead"
"You know why detective" she mumbled into the blanket she'd already wrapper herself back into. She did know, and maybe Vi did kind of have it coming from everything Jinx had gone through because of her.
"Do you hate them together because Caitlyn took Vi from you?"
"I wanna sleep"
That was a yes.
"One more question, then you can sleep"
"Make it quick blondie"
"If you saw a random couple kissing, what would you think?"
"That they should get a room, I don wanna see that"
"Would their gender matter?"
"I don't wanna see it either way, but it would be devastatingly disgusting if it was the Sherrif and fag hands"
Well. That was...less homophobic, expect for the spin on fat hands.
"Alright, you can sleep now"
Jinx grumbled and patted the bed next to her. Right, she was a child who needed someone next to her to sleep, maybe a stuffed animal would help. She did seem a little off this time though, she seemed less comfortable when Lux climbed in, and didn't even try to get under the covers, and was all then way to the edge. Did it really upset her that much? She already knew, must be harder knowing it was real.
"Jinx, come under the covers, it's cold"
"I'm fine"
She wasn't, Lux could feel her faint shaking. Maybe she was cold blooded or something.
"I'll sleep on top of the covers, I sleep better cold anyways" Lux said shuffling above the quilt, which she didn't prefer, but Jinx could at least get some good sleep. Without a word, Jinx crawled under, bringing the fluffy blanket with her. With that Lux was sure, Jinx didn't want to sleep in the same layer now, probably because of Vi. It was understandable, she likely didn't want to be like her sister, and would probably be alot less comfortable now. Probably not the brightest idea having Jinx in the room while asking about Vi and Caitlyn's relationship. At least it was getting her unwelcome hopes down a little.

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