Part V

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Less then 3 hours till progress day. What would be a massive risk, probably the biggest since she'd fled to Piltover. As much as she'd grown to like Jinx, she didn't want to give up her life, but she was willing to risk it, to make her happy. She was interested in what Jinx had come up with, she hadn't been given details other than that she would be 'lighting it up from a safe spot'.
Over the time she'd spent with Jinx, she'd found herself in a position she'd heard of no one being in with Jinx. Friends, but actual friends. Lux had learned from Ekko that she didn't visit often, or care much, and didn't really seem to care what he thought of anything. Maybe she should be bothered by that, but she wasn't. If anything, the way Jinx did what Jinx wanted without a care, was a good quality in Lux's eyes. Maybe that's why she was letting herself like Jinx a little more than a friend should. Knowing Jinx would never feel anything towards her somehow helped, it was better that way. Being friends was weird enough, but still really nice.

"Alright, here's the plan" Jinx said sitting on the couch next to Lux, passing her a bowl of ice cream.
"Obviously, we'll do the fun stuff last, when it's dark so everyone will see it, but first," Jinx crammed a spoon of her own ice cream into her mouth "we get to enjoy the boring part, yknow fair stuff. We should both try'da not get seen, fer the plan and yer 'at home sick' story"
"Don't forget you're getting me one of those giant stuffed animals"
"Mm, yeah, those are stupid, I could just make one out of a potato sack"
Lux snorted "potato sacks aren't soft"
"After a while they get fuzzy" She shrugged
"That rabbit thing you have is like twenty years old"
"Yeah, and it's super soft! Better than whatever the pilties got"
"You're still getting me one"
"If I wanted to, I could win all of them."
"You'd get bored and steal them first"
"Eh, yeah, probably"
Lux yawned and set her empty bowl on the coffee table.
"You should sleep, we gotta big day" Jinx said tossing her own head empty bowl onto the floor.
"It's only 10, I'll be fine"
"If I sleep so are you"
"If I hear a single sound from your room I'm knocking you out"
"But I have to-"
"No buts. If I'm sleeping this early, you are too."
Jinx groaned, then unexpectedly quickly yanked a strand of Lux's hair out. Before Lux could grab her to get payback Jinx was already off the couch, laughing as she tried to run with socks on.
"Damn it Jinx," Lux grinned launching off of the couch, futilely chasing after Jinx who was already bolting down the hall. Jinx ran into her room, Lux following right behind, managing to grab her before she could get a BB gun, which was often what she used to wake Lux up. She'd caught her by the braid, which she'd learned was a big weakness for Jinx, as it was easy to grab.
"Ow! Okay! Okay! I give up!" Jinx yowled tugging at her braid the Lux was pulling on.
"Go to sleep"
"Okay! I will!" Jinx whined. Lux smiled and released her grip.
"You're lucky I don't shoot you asshole" Jinx said rubbing her head where the braid sprouted from.
"You're lucky I don't chop your braids off in your sleep" Lux smirked patting the back of Jinx's head
"I'd kill you twice if yew did that" she said climbing into her bed, which was more of a nest.
"Let me know if you need anything okay?"
"M'kay. I'll wake you up" Jinx grinned glancing at her BB gun.
Lux sighed but still smiled "goodnight, sleep well"
"Yeah, you too" jinx said already piling blankets on herself. Lux turned out the light and shut the door. She didn't usually have to go in with Jinx, her nightmares were less frequent then they had been the first few weeks. As much as she liked it, she knew it probably made Jinx uncomfortable even though it kept nightmares away, so she'd always keep a distance when she did. The last thing she needed was Jinx thinking she was some weird creep, or finding out she was gay, that alone would probably damage their friendship. If she knew what Lux felt, she'd probably try to kill her or something. But Lux was content with being friends. It would do.

Lux woke up to bb's spraying into her back. She groaned and pulled the comforter up to shield herself.
"Mm quit, just a little longer"
"Come on! We gotta lot to do!" Jinx whined, her gun clanking on the floor. Lux grumbled at the tugging on her blanket and tried to keep it on but failed, but still stayed still.
"Fine, be that way." Jinx said before grabbing Lux by the ankles, and before she could react, yanked her out of the bed. Hitting the ground without expecting to, seriously hurt like a bitch. Definitely going to leave a bruise.
"Jinx! That hurt!" She was definitely awake now. She sat up from the floor rubbing the back of her head that had hit the hard wood.
"Hey, you were the one not getting up" Jinx said holding out her hands to help Lux up. She sighed and grabbed on, and was pulled to her feet and greeted with Jinx's wide smile. She'd been waiting a long time for progress day.
"Oh yeah! I made breakfast, and didn't burn anything!"
Lux lifted an eyebrow
"What did you make?"

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