Part XI

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TW// wee bit of gore// Slurs.// homophobia//

Jinx was her girlfriend.
After months of boxed up feelings and not being able to do anything.
She could tell Jinx how she felt without having to worry.
And she was pretty sure if she did tell her she loved her, she wouldn't freak out at this point.
But she still hadn't. She didn't really know what was keeping her from doing it anymore. But she wanted to. She wanted Jinx to know she was loved. She didn't really know how to tell her either. She'd probably know when a good time was.
Not only had they become girlfriends, but they had sex. And Jinx, the one who wasn't even her girlfriend yet, was the one who started it. The same Jinx that wouldn't go as far as kissing up until then.
She was a little worried about her, she'd seemed pretty off in the morning. But then there was the whole girlfriends thing and pancakes.
Lux hadn't seen her since, but it hadn't been long. Lux did get back sort of late, finding a job that didn't suck was kind of hard. Of course she had a fear in the back of her head Jinx freaked out and ran again, but she knew she probably just found something to do, which probably meant she asked Viktor for advice as well, which Lux always appreciated because it usually turned up good for her.

Jinx did come back. Much to Lux's relief as it had gotten late and she was started to seriously consider she might have left.
It was a little past 9 when Jinx did got back. She looked pretty exhausted, like she was about to fall asleep. Jinx greeted her before disappearing into Lux's room. Lux guessed it was barley going to be her room anymore, but she didn't mind.
Only ten minutes after Jinx got back Lux went to check on her and she was out, completely sprawled out on the bed.
So that was probably a no to dinner.
Lux actually wasn't tired at all. She was actually quite awake. Probably because seeing how casually  Jinx went to her room made her realise there would be other things like that. Kissing wouldn't be weird or reserved. She'd be able to tell Jinx how good she looked without it being weird. Hell, Jinx might even let her cuddle her. That would be nice, and the chances were better now then before. Because they were girlfriends, and had sex.
She waited so long, she was beginning to doubt it was ever going to happen.
Garen would probably try to get her killed if he knew that Jinx was her girlfriend.
But if he did try to kill her he couldn't.
Because she was best friends with the Sherrif and deputy.
Because she was a mage.
And because her girlfriend was the loose cannon.
She did love risks.
She wouldn't lose anything from telling him. It would just be funny. She was probably just being weird about it last time when it put her mood down after Garen's reaction. It would be funny this time.
But first she'd have to get him to Piltover.
She could probably get a message sent.
Before anything she should probably talk to Jinx. It would be pretty stupid to invite her brother and tell him without telling Jinx first.
If Lux had to guess, Jinx would be all for it. She loved pissing people off, especially demacians apparently.

After a while of plotting, and thinking of how funny Garens reaction would be, Lux was tired. She got to her room where Jinx was still sprawled out across the bed, snoring lightly. Lux gently moved Jinx's limbs so she could actually get into the bed. She wasn't sure how Jinx would feel if she just wrapped an arm around her, but it would be fine. She had a gut feeling it was okay now.
She climbed in next to Jinx, close enough to tuck her head into the back of her neck and wrap an arm around her.
She loved it.
Everything about it.
The warmth, the smell, the comfort.
She couldn't imagine a better feeling to fall asleep to.

Lux woke up to Jinx shaking her with a big stupid grin. Lux groaned and blinked the sleep from her eyes, very aware of Jinx impatiently waiting for her.
"What is it?" Lux asked, her voice raspy from sleep, it wasn't even 7.
"Well, I did a lot yesterday right?" Jinx said, sounding very wide awake. Judging by that she'd been awake for at least five minutes.
"I payed a few visits, and one of them, I got into a little tussle"
"I trust it wasn't any of my friends?"
"Unless you think that douchebag Ekko is yer friend"
Lux raised an eyebrow
"Ekko? Did you kill him or something?"
"Nahh, just crippled him"
Lux grinned
"He really deserved it didn't he?"
"Sure did, probably should'a dunnit the first time he fucked up"
Lux hummed and sat up
"Do you have plans today?"
" not really, yew doin anything?"
"I have an idea I think you might want to help with, includes pissing off my family"
Jinx's lips tugged into a tight smile
"I don't care what it is, I'm in"
"We'll just be disappointing then thoroughly, nothing explosive"
Jinx shrugged
"Still gonna be fun innit?"
"If you class disappointed glaring from my brother as fun, sure"
"it will be, are ya tellin him bout' me?"
"Yes, and if he says anything to my aunt, I know of his secret relationship with an enemy Noxian."
"Ooooh, that's good! He's a fuckin idiot fer tellin ya that"
"As long as he dosent say anything his secrets safe, I trust you won't tell anyone?"
"Pinky promise" Jinx smiled holding out her finger, Lux smiled back and wrapped her pinky around hers.

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