Part IV

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She probably should have given Lux a little heads up at some point about not coming over to sleep. Probably wouldn't care to much anyways, though she was kind of a baby. Anyways, right now what mattered was getting some things down to Viktor. Things as in the research she stole, thought it might be a friendly birthday present, and help keep on his good side since she'd been skipping out on helping...a lot. Hopefully if she was able to get good with him, he'd lend a hand in her progress day plan, which she actually still did not have planned. Which is where her insanity meets Viktor smart head. He'd probably be able to throw some bad ideas out that jinx could turn into good ideas.

"Yo Vik! You dead yet?" Jinx yelled entering Viktors lab hideout thingy, she didn't really know what it was. Whatever it was, it was big, like the Bat Cave or something.
"Where've you been?" She hear Viktors harsh crummy voice from around the corner.
"Bein social, miss me that much?"
Viktor chuckled a little setting his notebook down.
"Have you made a friend?"
"Sorta. Anyways I got ya a lil present," Jinx smiled dropping the books and papers she'd collected onto his desk
"Gottem from yer old partner, thought there might be somethin useful"
"And what do I owe in return?" Viktor sighed already knowing Jinx wasn't nice enough to just get a gift, especially one that took risk to get.
"You think I'd be nice just to get some input on a progress day surprise? Ouch" Jinx said in a dramatically hurt tone
"I'm assuming you want explosions involved in this surprise?"
"Dur, and I gotta a little something bonus this time, from being social"
"And that is?"
Jinx grew an evil grin "a mage!"
Viktor lifted an eyebrow "from Zaun?" He sounded skeptical
"Nah, found her in Piltover, more like she found me but same thing"
"Is she from Piltover?"
"Dumbassia she said"
"Demacia, probably a run away then. What kind of mage is she?"
"She shoots big sparkles"
"A light mage, that will definitely be explosive"
"That's what I'm hopin fer, jus' dunno if she'll actually do it"
"Do you trust her?" He asked now flipping through one of the stolen books.
"No, but enough to be 'er friend, which is sayin a lot since she's an enforcer, shitty one though" She knew she could trust Viktor, he wouldn't tell anyone. He didn't really have any other friends, probably wouldn't even tell them if he did. Ever since him and Jayce broke up or whatever and became enemies, he'd only become friends with Jinx because she wouldn't quit bugging him, and had similar interests.
"You? Friends with an enforcer?" Viktor chuckled disbelievingly
"Sounds crazy right? But's she's like, super smart! She doesn't even care about er' job! She's sneaking right under Big hat's nose jus' tuh' be my friend!" She explained, Viktor remaining calm, he was good at that.
"That's..impressive. And you're sure her intentions are good?"
"Nope! S'why I don't trust 'er yet! But we're gettin there, she blew up a pond fulla people yesterday justa prove she wasn't some super good enforcer"
"Interesting. Not everyday you make friends"
"Shuddup, I jus don' wanna lotta of em, s'not like yer makin any"
"I suppose. Your friend could prove very useful if you're planning something big"
"Big? I want huge! Now put yer brain to use and help me to think'a somethin awesome!"

After about an hour of bouncing ideas around, Jinx desired to just write a few down and plan later, as in last minute. All that trouble and still nothing sounded fun enough. But what did sound fun right now was blowing shit up and playing with some enforcers. She'd probably go mess around with Vi too, especially since her little talk with Lux. It really pissed her off even though she already knew they were totally a thing. What made that piltic sheriff bitch so special? Special enough to leave Jinx and run off to piltover and do everything for her. As much as she wanted to kill Caityln, it would only make things worse with Vi, even though they were already completely destroyed. Jinx knew Vi hated her, but if she killed Caitlyn, she'd probably say it, then try to kill her. By now Jinx didn't even want her sister back in the slightest. She was just some piltie, a traitor, all because of a woman.

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