Part IX

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Vi finding out didn't feel as bad as Lux thought it would. It almost felt like a relief. She was worried about it for so long and now she didn't have to.
Besides, Vi hadn't told Caityln yet. Which she was more worried about.
But even if she did, it would be less to worry about. She could work something out. She always did.

Jinx had gone to piss off Demacia, which as much as Lux loved the whole idea, wasn't so great.
Yeah, Demacia was getting what it had coming. She didn't entirely hate her home, but it was a terrible place.

Yeah, Jinx was able to have tons of fun. Especially with Vi or Caitlyn breathing down her neck.

But Jinx had been gone for a week. That was the not great part. Lux missed her, a lot. She barley even got time with Jinx before she left as well.
Word of bombings had spread to Piltover. Which hadn't been identified as Jinx, but when the enforcers were informers, Lux got a hard glare from Vi.
It had been a little over a week since Vi had found out. She still hasn't had a follow up, so Lux suspected she was waiting for Jinx to get back or something.
She hadn't said a word to Vi since, though she tried to smile or wave at her. She really didn't want to ruin her friendship. She wanted to be with Jinx while still having her friends.

A week and three days after Jinx had left for Demacia, Vi showed up at the house. It was already 6pm when she did arrive, which was convenient because she'd just made dinner.
When Vi knocked, Lux hoped for Jinx, but she should have known better. Jinx didn't use doors.
"Oh, Vi, Hi" Lux said smiling slightly opening the door
"Hey..can we chat?"
"Yeah, sure. I just finished cooking, would you like to have dinner?"
"Uh, yeah that'd be nice, Cait's working late"
Lux let Vi in and shut the door.
Awkward was an understatement.
Lux quietly dished up two servings of chilli, which she'd probably reheat and eat till it was gone.
She sat down after giving Vi her bowl, seriously annoyed by the silence.
"Jinx here?" Vi asked. Thank gods.
"And you're just cool with her blowing up your home?"
"I don't hate Demacia, but it's not a good place."
"Huh." Vi grunted poking at her food
"'re really..whatever you are with my sister?"
"To be clear..your friends..but have got things for each other?" Vi bit out
"It would be more but, she has a bit of a fear of being like you and Caitlyn"
"So you're the one that wants whatever's goin on to be an actual relationship?"
"Do you really think someone as homophobic as her would be ready for a relationship before me?"
Vi smiled a little
"I guess not,"
And the smile was gone
"Are you..serious about her? I-it's dumb, but I still care about her..and she'd be really hurt if you weren't"
"I love her. So yes, I'm very serious."
Vi stared at her for a minute. Lux almost surprised herself. She probably should have admitted it to herself sooner.
"Damn that's weird," Vi breathed
"I mean..she's homophobic, and a terrorist..and you're a rich cop girl, and you two being a thing? That's just..weird"
"I'm surprised your so calm, I'd flip if I was in your shoes."
"I should be goin fucking crazy...but I'm not even that mad. Maybe it's just because my sister..seems happy, and you're happy.."
Vi sighed taking another bite of the chilli
"I am insane for not being more upset"
"Maybe a little."
Vi chuckled a little
"Want to tell me how things got to the point of Jinx betraying her homophobia?"
Lux grinned. The experience was terrible, but looking back it was going to be fun to laugh at.
"She kissed me twice then ran away"
Vi nearly spat out her food
"She kissed you?! I thought you said you weren't in a relationship! And she did first?!"
"She panicked, I was very surprised. We aren't, she just occasionally does that"
"Damn! she must seriously like you"
"I'd hope so with the amount I put up with."
"She give you a hard time?"
"Always, but she try's, usually"
"She's always been a hand full. Does she even clean?"
"Actually, as much as she can. She doesn't know how to do laundry though"
"Of course not. She can make complex machines but can't clean clothes."
Lux smiled.

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