
538 5 0

-No quirks
-Izuku is a teacher
-some OC's

(Izuku's POV)
Izuku: "Does anyone know the answer to number 3?" I ask looking around.
Izuku: "Dai, how about you? What's the answer?"
Dai: he shrugs "4."
Izuku: "That's a good answer, anyone else?"

I sigh, walking into the supermarket. "Ochaco said she needed a few things, I think she texted me about."
Iida: "Hello Midoriya"
I look up.
Izuku: "Oh hey Iida, how's it going?"
Iida: "Same as always, how about you?"
Izuku: "Same."
Iida: "Ok, well I'll see you around."
Izuku: "yup!" I wave and head off where I need to be.


Izuku: "Ochaco! I'm home."
I walk in the kitchen and set the bags down, hearing footsteps.
Ochaco: "Welcome back Izuku, how was work?"
Izuku: "Same as usual, Im getting kind of worried that some of the kids are gonna fail though with how much they aren't participating." I say, hanging my jacket up.
Ochaco: "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." She says giving me a smile.
Izuku: " I hope so."
She drops her shoulders.
Ochaco: "You're still not the same. I miss the old Izuku-kun, the happy always cheerful one."
Izuku: "I am the same one though."
Ochaco: "Not since you and Todoroki broke up, You're such a bummer now."
Izuku: "It's only been 3 weeks."
Ochaco: "You just need to get your mind off him, find someone new." She wiggles her shoulders.
Izuku: "I don't know if I'm ready for that yet."
She grabs my shoulders and shakes me.
Ochaco: "C'mon don't be such a downer, You're a cute gay guy who wouldn't want you?"
Izuku: "Fine. But you're not picking my dates."
She scoffs.
Ochaco: "Ugh, Fiiine. 


Izuku: "Ok pack up and you can leave."
I stand by the door waiting for everyone to leave.
Izuku: "Have a great day!" I wave at everyone.

4:30 ( 16:30)
I'm getting ready to leave and I see Dai out the window, sitting at a picnic table alone so I walk over to him.
Izuku: "School ended a while ago what are you still doing here?"
Dai: "I'm waiting on my Dad."
Izuku: "Do you know his number? I could call him for you."
Dai: "It's ok, he works late everyday so he'll be here soon."
Izuku: "Ok, we'll It's not safe for a 7 year old to be alone so I'll stay with you til he gets here ok?"
He smiled at me.
Dai: "Okay."


5:00 (17:00)

I've learned more about Dai now and his life, his mom is in jail and his dad has two jobs to have extra money so he can take Dai extra places.

Dai: "Oh I see my dad."
He puts his backpack on and leaves the picnic table.
???: "Hey Bud, how was school?"
Dai: "Good, My teacher talked to me while I waited for you, he's funny."
I finish packing my stuff and turn around to a shocker.

Kacchan is Dai's dad.

I haven't seen him since elementary school, he's...tall, and handsome. Really handsome. I feel my face heat up and I look away from him.

Katsuki: "Wait, Holy shit Deku?"
Dai: "Don't cuss!"

God even his voice is hot.

I look up again and wave.
Izuku: "Hey Kacchan."
Dai: "His name's not Kacchan."
Kacchan crouches down to Dai
Katsuki: "Why don't you go wait in the car? I'll get you ice cream later.
Dai: "Okay!"

Katsuki: "It's been a while, what like 12 years?"
I laughed a little.
Izuku: "Yea, crazy right?"
Katsuki: "Yea, You've changed."
I've changed?
Izuku: "Yeah, you have too." I say slightly looking him up and down.
He scratches the back of his neck.
Katsuki: "We should go out sometime, you know? To catch up."
He wants to hang out. I blush, looking at my feet.
Izuku: "Yea, that would be nice."
Katsuki: "Give me your phone."
I look up again, pulling my phone out my pocket.
Izuku: "Here." I say, handing it to him.
He typed something into it and hands it back.
Katsuki: "There, now we can set up a time." He smiled a bit. SMILED, I haven't seen Kacchan smile in forever. It's nice.
Izuku: "Thanks."
Katsuki: "Whatever, I should probably get back to Dai now."
Izuku: "Yea, I'll see you later."
Katsuki: "See ya, nerd."
I smiled, a genuine smile, I felt happy for the first time in a while.

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