My baby

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(Izuku's POV)
"Beep! Beep! Beep!"
I groggily shut my alarm clock off, sitting up in bed and rubbing my eyes. "Ugh." I am not a morning person. I get up, heading to my closet to put on my uniform.
"Knock! Knock! Knock!"
Izuku: "Come in." I say in a still tired voice.
I see Uraraka walk in.
Uraraka: "Morning Deku-Kun."
Izuku: " Good Morning Uraraka. I say with a slight smile.
Uraraka: "I brought you the clothes you left in my room last night."
Izuku: "Oh, thanks." I say as I take them from her.
Uraraka: "Mhm! Well I'm gonna go get ready now, I'll see you later!"
Izuku: "Kay, Bye Uraraka"
Uraraka: "Bye!"
She shuts the door behind her and I go to my bathroom to change and get ready for the day.


(Katsuki's POV)

I'm in the kitchen making my breakfast when the nerd walks in.

Izuku: "Hi Kacchan." He says with a smile on his face as usual.
Katsuki: "Morning. I say and roll my eyes.
Izuku: "What are you making?" He says leaning over my shoulder which makes me blush a little.
Katsuki: "You're not getting any."
He pouts.
Izuku: "But your cooking is so good."
Katsuki: "I don't care, go away."
Izuku: "Kacchan's mean." He says as he pouts again, this time stepping away from me.
Katsuki: "Whatever, you'll live."


(Izuku's POV)
I'm sitting in class, I'm one of the first few kids in here, as usual. I like a bit of time to myself before it gets loud. I feel especially tired today, I'm not too sure why though.

I hear footsteps and look up seeing Kacchan walk in the room.
Katsuki: "You're starting your heat soon aren't you?"
I'm a little shocked, I forgot.
Izuku: "Oh, yea I am."
Katsuki: "I can tell, your scent is stronger."
Izuku: "It is?"
Katsuki: "Yea, other alphas are gonna smell it if you don't do something about it."
I move to grab my bag, going through it. I look at Kacchan.
Katsuki: "You forgot your suppressants didn't you?"
I look away.
Izuku: "Maybe."
He sighs and turns to his bag, grabbing a bottle.
Katsuki: "Here."
Izuku: "Thank you."

If you're wondering why he has suppressants I'm his bag if he's not an omega. A couple month ago Kacchan found out I was an omega, he "helped" me if you know what I mean and we made it a thing. I guess you could say we're friends as he's more lenient towards me now. I still don't know if he likes me at all or if he's just being this way because we're spending more time together.

Katsuki: "Deku!"
I look up at him.
Izuku: "Sorry."
He rolls his eyes.
Katsuki: "You better be."
Izuku: "What were you saying?"
Katsuki: "Do you want to study together tonight?"
That's another thing we started doing too, before we started hooking up.
Izuku: "Sure, My dorm or yours?"
Katsuki: "Mine of course."
Izuku: "Ok."

(After school)
(Izuku's POV)

I'm supposed to go to Kacchan's dorm right now but I'm almost in heat, I feel dizzy and hot.
A few minutes pass by, I'm laying in my bed and-
"Knock! Knock! Knock!"
Izuku: "Y-yes?"
The door opens and Kacchan walks in.
Katsuki: "So this is why you don't show up, huh?"
I scrunch more into my blanket, trying not to smell Kacchan's pheromones.
Izuku: "S-sorry Kacchan."
He walks over to the bed and sits on the edge.
Katsuki: "Why are you hiding? Don't want help?"
Izuku: "You smell good, d-don't wanna smell it."
Katsuki: "Why? Cause you'll go into heat completely~"
I nod at him.
Katsuki: "What's wrong with that? Not like we haven't done it before."
Izuku: "I just don't want to be the only one enjoying it."
At that, Kacchan pulled me out of my blanket.
Katsuki: "You think I would just fuck a nerd for fun? I know I'm shitty but I'm not THAT shitty."
I look down.
Izuku: "You hate me, you always have so You'd do it just to mess with me."
He grabbed my face.
Katsuki: "You really are a dumb nerd. I don't hate you, I never did, and I wouldn't do the things I do with you if I hated you."
Izuku: "S-so you like me?"
He didn't say anything, he just leaned down and kissed me. We never kissed before, even when we had sex. I kissed back.
Katsuki: "Does that answer your question?"
Izuku: "I don't know? Maybe explain it again?"
He smirked and kissed me again. He's a good kisser. I feel like I'm going to melt. it doesn't help that I'm nearly in heat either, feels like I'm gonna skip into it quicker. He bites my lip in which I open my mouth slightly, letting his tongue explore it.
Izuku: "Mmh"
I say and break the kiss for air.
Kacchan takes that time to move me into his lap and start kissing my neck.
Izuku: "Ahh~ Kacchan"
He's letting out lust filled pheromones that make my head foggy.

(I'm sorry, I'm not a smut writer. Anywho)

The next Morning
(Izuku's POV)
I heard the quiet beeping of an alarm and the shuffle of the bed moving, shutting it off. I slowly open my eyes, seeing Kacchan on his phone. I snuggle more into his chest, putting an arm around him.
Katsuki: "Well I see your awake." He said, his raspy voice still there as though he also just woke up.
Izuku: "mmh. I groan back, still too tired to do anything.
He moves his arm slightly to mess with one of my curls.
Katsuki: "Did you sleep good?"
Izuku: "Mhm."
Katsuki: "I let Mr. Aizawa know your in heat, and I took the day off."
I look up at Kacchan.
Izuku: "You can't do that, school is more important."
Katsuki: "It's only one day, and it's to hang out with you anyways."
I blush, burrowing my face into his chest.
Izuku: "This is still weird."
He pets my hair.
Katsuki: "You like it though."
Izuku: "I do."

One month later
(Winter break)

(Izuku's POV)
Inko: "Izuku!"
I head downstairs.
Izuku: "Yes?"
Inko: "Are you hungry? I finished making dinner."
Izuku: "Not really, I haven't had too much of an appetite lately."
Inko: "Oh, is your heat starting soon then?"
I scratch the back of my neck.
Izuku: "It's actually late."
She looks at me.
Inko: "You haven't- you know, had sex right?"
I look away."
Inko: "Izuku."
I look down.
Izuku: "Sorry mom."
She sighed.
Inko: "Who was it with?"
I blush a bit, still looking down.
Izuku: "Kacchan."
Inko: "Katsuki?!"
I nod.
Izuku: "We're kind of dating."
Inko: "When did you have sex?"
Izuku: "The first time or-"
Inko: "multiple times!"
I keep my head down.
Izuku: "I'm sorry."
Inko: "I'm buying you a pregnancy test."
I look up.
Izuku: "You really think I'm pregnant?"
Inko: "I'm just being sure, we're you safe?"
Izuku: "Mom!"
Inko: "I just want to know"
Izuku: "Yes!"

I'm terrified. I'm sitting in the bathroom with the pregnancy test in my hand. It's positive. I have tears running down my face. I can't be pregnant. What will Kacchan think? Will he breakup with me? Will he hate me? Will he even want a child? My mom says she supports me but is also upset because I'm still young. I don't know if I want a kid yet. I can't get an abortion either I would hate myself forever. I might put them up for adoption after they're born.
Inko: "Izuku, you should tell Katsuki."
I look at her.
Izuku: "I-I will, when I go back to school."
She wipes my tears.
Inko: "I'm sure if he cares about you he won't leave you.
I nod my head.


The rest of break got spent mostly normal.

(Back at school)
I have two days before school starts again. I'm unpacking my bag when I hear the door click, I know it's Kacchan. I turn around and sure enough it is.
Katsuki: "Hey."
Izuku: "Hi Kacchan." I say, giving him a hug which he returns then places a kiss on my lips.
Katsuki: "So how was break?"
Izuku: "It was...good, I have something to tell you though."
He gives me a slightly confused and concerned look.
Katsuki: "What's up?"
I look down at my feet.
Izuku: "Promise you won't get mad?"
Katsuki: "I promise."
I take a deep breathe before finally speaking.
Izuku: "I'm pregnant." I say, looking up to a slightly shocked Kacchan.
Izuku: "Please don't be mad."
He just stares at me blank faced for a moment before pulling me into a hug. I return it, holding back tears.
Izuku: "You're not mad?"
Katsuki: "No, I'm happy. I get to start a family with the person I love."
My eyes widen a bit, then I smile.
Izuku: "I love you too."

The end

Word count: 1487

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