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-I decided to add my bored sketch of Bakugou, not the greatest one I've made Though 💀 lmk if y'all want more :) -

"Goodbye" I hear my mom say from the behind the door as she cries, tears staining her face, my father walking out the once cozy feeling home, never to return again.

6 years later.

"Please stop!" I cried as a bully kicked my stomach again, that feeling to puke becoming more and more prominent with every blow.
"If you don't stop your fucking crying you little fag then I'll let you go." The older boy threatened, getting ready to hit again.
"Okay okay I'm sorry." I apologize, looking down and clenching my fists preparing for the next punch or kick he throws at me.
"Hey bastard!" I hear a familiar voice yell from down the way, followed by crackling and explosions. I keep my head down until the voice speaks to me.
"Nerd, you okay?!" He says, Getting on the ground in front of me.

I lift my head up, tears threatening to fall.
"Can you stand up?" He asks, sounding concerned.
I nod, trying to stand but groaning from the initial pain in my stomach.
"Let me help." He said then gently helped me up by my waist.

We slowly walked to his house, his parents were eating dinner. His mother ran to me, seeing me in the bruised and bloody state I was currently.
"Oh my god Izuku what happened to you?!" She said on her knees inspecting my cuts and bruises.
"Some upper class men were beating him up in a ally way." He said anger resinating in his voice.
"Why don't you help him get cleaned up and give him some clothes, I'll call Inko to tell her what happened." His mother said touching his shoulder and fishing her phone out from her pocket shakily.

We headed to his bathroom to clean my cuts.
"The bastard got you pretty good huh?" He said with a little bit of a chuckle.
"Yeah." I said looking down a bit.
"Hey" he said lifting my head up. "Don't beat yourself up about it, the guy was way bigger than you."
"Yeah, I'm glad you were there though, to protect me like you always do." I smiled at him.
"Thank you Kacchan."
"I'm always here to protect you."

3 years later.

"Ugh those fucking bastards at school, I hate them, I hate it here." I say falling into my bed, grabbing my phone.
"It can't be that bad there, it's the best school in all of Japan, you can get your dream job for sure now." Izuku says, trying to reassure me.
"It would be better if you were here, I haven't seen you in almost 2 years now." I say with a bit of a sigh.
"I know, but you can make new friends now, and we can see each other again eventually."
"Yeah I know." I say quietly.
"Crap I gotta go now, I'll talk to you later Kacchan! Bye!" He said and hung up.


"Shut the fuck up, I'm awake."
I groan and get out of bed, putting on the same uniform from the day prior and walking out of my room for the same shitty breakfast.

"Morning Bakubro!" Shitty hair hollers at me when I sit down at the dinning table. I just roll my eyes and eat to get away from these extras.

The rest of the day goes by normally, painfully boring and slow but the usual. I finally make it back to my dorm and lay down when I get a knock at my door. I sigh.
"What?" I say annoyed.
"I need you to come to the office." Sensei said in his usual tired voice.
I groan but get out of bed and walk down to the office.
"What did I do this time?" I say looking at Aizawa.

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