Random story (fever)

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Aged up
Izuku never got a quirk
Bakugou is a pro hero

We met 19 years ago, we were five. Attached at the hip, like two peas in a pod. We spent all our time together I loved him. But I ruined it all, on our last day of Junior high. I had a bad day and he followed me around everywhere like usual but I went off on him, i hit him, I yelled at him, I told him to stop talking to me, I didn't mean any of it.

But now I finish patrolling and I find myself thinking about him. It's raining, I enjoy the rain, the smell, the sound I love it all.
Not having my eyes open I end up bumping into someone.
Katsuki: "Hey Watch it e-" my face goes blank at the small soaking wet, thin framed greenette standing in front of me, holding his nose. He looks up at me almost jumping.
I drop the umbrella hanging over my head, it falling to the side and landing upside down on the concrete.
I quickly swoop him into a tight hug, his face near my stomach.
Izuku: "Kacchan.." he says hugging me back just as tight.
I break the hug after a few moments. Looking into his big emerald eyes.
Katsuki: "Do you not have an umbrella?"
Izuku: "I forgot it today."
Katsuki: "You can stop by my place to dry your clothes, it's just a couple blocks down, plus we can catch up."
Izuku: "That would be nice."

He walks into the house, me following after to shut the door. I walk past him, taking off my shoes.
Katsuki: "Take off your shoes, I'll get you something to wear till your clothes are dry."
I say and walk off in my room.

(Izuku's POV)
I'm in the number one hero's house. Better yet my old best friends house and he didn't yell at me this time.
I look around what I can see of his house, it's quite nice actually looks like the theme is black and white but not and ugly black and white. I can only see the living room and the kitchen but it looks like there are at least three other rooms.
Katsuki: "Here." He says and throws some clothes at me.
Katsuki: "My room is the last one, there's a bathroom in there."
Izuku: "Thanks." I say and walk down the hall.

(Katsuki's POV)
While he's changing I go to my room to do the same. I hear the door click behind me. I turn around, finishing putting on my shirt.
He's standing there awkwardly. Cute.
Izuku: "Where's your dryer?"
Katsuki: "Just give them to me nerd."
Izuku: "Oh okay." He says before I take them from him.
I scoff, walking to the laundry room to put his clothes in.
When I get back he's still standing awkwardly the shirt I lent to him hanging off one shoulder.
Katsuki: "You gonna keep standing there or are you gonna sit down?"
Izuku: "Oh, sorry." He says and walks over to the bed, sitting down.
Katsuki: "So, I'm guessing your still single."
He looks down.
Izuku: "Yep, no one wants a useless guy like me." He laughs.
I felt a wave of guilt wash over me after that sentence. 
I sit up against the wall.
Katsuki: "Do you still write in those journals?"
Izuku: "Yeah, I'm a tech designer now. I use my journals to improve hero's costumes and quirks and I help them with villains weaknesses."
He says with that glint of light in his eyes like a new born puppy.
Katsuki: "That's cool, you're doing good."
He just stares at me.
Katsuki: "What?"
Izuku: "Did you just tell me I'm doing good?" 
Katsuki: "Don't get used to it."
He looks away.
Izuku: "So how's it feel?"
Katsuki: "Hmm?"
Izuku: "Being the number one hero, having everyone love you, I mean you probably get any girl you want right?"
Katsuki: "With the LOV gone it's kind of boring, just a lot of patrolling, and solving a few murder cases for cops. And not everyone likes me, I'm a hot headed asshole and girls only like me cause I'm hot and have money.I couldn't give two shits about them."
He moves over by the wall with me.
Izuku: "I guess I didn't think about that."
We stay in silence for a while. It's weirdly comfortable.
I see Deku yawn.
Katsuki: "Are you tired?"
He rubs his eyes a bit.
Izuku: "Yeah, I should probably see if my stuff is done and head home."
Katsuki: "You should just stay the night."
I blurt out without thinking.
Izuku: "Really?"
Katsuki: "I have a guest room, you can stay in. But I'm not letting it happen again."
He smiles.
Izuku: "Thank you Kacchan."
Katsuki: "Yeah whatever, I'm going to bed now."
Izuku: "Okay, goodnight."

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