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This one may be triggering for some people so maybe don't read it.

⚠️ self harm, suicide mention, abuse⚠️
If you feel uncomfortable with any of these things please don't read.

Also kind of soft Bakugou, not bottom just soft.

Izuku: 16, quirkless, orphan. His father
Hisashi Midoriya: killed in a house fire. 
His mother,
Inko Midoriya: committed suicide a year later, when Izuku was 12
He was put into a different home where he met his now family. Not like it was any better than not having parents, most days he wishes he was dead. His adoptive mother is a kind pretty woman who treats him well but his "father" thinks he's a burden and that he should have just died with his parents. Because his mother works late it's usually just him and his new father, he doesn't allow him to eat, if he does something "wrong" he gets beaten. That, his parents deaths 4 and 5 years ago, plus getting bullied at his school led him to spiral into the deep tunnel known as depression. He tried to kill himself before he was adopted, by taking all the pills he could find in the orphanage, it didn't go as planned and he just ended up in an institution for summer when he was 13. By 14 he started cutting as a way to deal with the loss. At 15 he got adopted and the cutting changed from happening every once and a while to everyday multiple times a day.  Now he's 16 and just started at a new school, he gets bullied because he has messy hair, a small drained body for a boy, and glasses so he's seen as weak.

(Izuku's POV)
I wake up before my alarm goes off, again.
I look at my clock seeing it's 2:40, I fell asleep at 11:00, at least I got some sleep today.
I just lay in my bed, random thoughts and voices talking until my phone goes off, signaling it's time to get ready.
I grab a random hoodie out of my closet and some jeans, with the same old sneakers I always wear. I go to the bathroom, cleaning, and bandaging my cuts. I like to cut on my upper thigh because it's less noticeable but I also started cutting my wrists recently.
I lay back on my bed checking the time every so often until 7:00. I grab my bag, lock the door, and head off to the bus stop. Like usual I can't find a spot so I just stand as close as I can to the door.

The bus stops and I try to get off. Failing, I get pushed back by someone and trip. I barely made it out in time before the doors shut. The day goes by normal, kids pushing and shoving me, throwing paper balls at my head, stealing my lunch...again, that one's new. I ate lunch in the back corner of the cafeteria, alone with my thoughts. It's the only time people don't pick on me.

The bus doesn't come til 5:00 after school so I walk home instead. Today is different though, a couple kids decide to pick a fight with me.

??: "Hey! Weird kid!"
I keep my head down and continue walking.
???: "We're talking to you!" They say and grab my bag.
Izuku: "Just leave me alone."
They laugh.
??: "Give us some money then."
Izuku: "I don't have any."
???: "Don't fuck around freak, you're staying with the richest family in Hosaku, you have to have something on you."
Izuku: "I don't have anything."
One of them punches me.
??: "Don't fucking lie to us!"
I hold my nose.
Izuku: "I'm not lying!"
The other one grabs me by my shirt, picking me up.
???: "Look freak, just give us the money and we'll be on our way, unless you want us to beat you."
Izuku: "I can't give you something I don't hav-"
I get punched again, and they drop me.
I hear a loud boom, and someone else talking, but I'm too scared to open my eyes.

I feel someone tap my shoulder and I look up, seeing a tall blonde with piercing red eyes starring down at me.
Katsuki: "Are you okay?" He says, reaching for my hand to help me up.
I just nod and take his hand.
Katsuki: "Shit, they punched you?" He says touching my nose.
I look away.
Katsuki: "You should come to my house, it's only a few blocks away, I can help you get cleaned up and you can a change of clothes since yours are all dirty."
I look at him.
Izuku: "I don't know you, how can I trust you?"
Katsuki: My name is Katsuki Bakugou, and you can trust me because I just saved your ass." He says smirking.
I shake my head.
Izuku: "Fine, and I'm Izuku."
I see him smile.
Katsuki: "Nice to meet you Izuku."

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