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I thought of this part bc my cramps have been fucked up today, I hate it

⚠️Cussing, throwing up, ED⚠️ let me know if I need to add more⚠️

(Ranboo POV)
It was the day after the last chapter
I woke up and as soon as I sat up, the cramps hit. but I got up and went to the bathroom and got ready and took a shower, then my mom called me downstairs. She asked if I wanted food and I said no, and that I had eaten a late night snack. This was a lie, I only said that bc of my cramps and bc of my ED.

So I went back upstairs and I played Minecraft and listened to music, then I got a really bad cramp, and I felt like I was gonna puke. I just kept playing, but then it was too late, I grabbed my trash can that was beside my desk and I ended up throwing up. After that I got off my computer and layed on my bed, I had my trash can just in case.

Then I realized that I had to stream in a hour, but I physically couldn't. So I tweeted saying that I couldn't stream because I was sick, but I would try to stream tomorrow. As soon as I tweeted that, I got a call from tubbo asking if I was ok.

(Tubbo pov)
I saw that ranboo tweeted saying that he couldn't stream because he was sick. I called him and he answered, and we just talked about stuff

On call
T-tubbo R-ranboo

T- are you ok, you tweeted saying u were sick
R- yea im fine, u know how I'm on my period
T- yea
R- my cramps are really bad and i threw up, so I didn't wanna throw up on stream
T- I hope u feel better soon, and when u stream tomorrow do u wanna call
R- yea, sure
T- ok, I got to go, Tommy is here and he wants to go get food
R- have fun, and tell Tommy I said hi
T- ok, I will
Call ended

(Ranboo POV)
We got off call, and I went to the bathroom. And I was really tired and in pain, so I just wanted to sleep. I put my phone on the charger and silenced it, and went to sleep. I hope tomorrow is better

380 words
I was bored and I have posted 2 days in a row, like just wow, I'm never this consistent

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