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Ranboo POV
My mental health is becoming increasingly worse, as well as my dysphoria. And I've been more aware that im a guy in a girls body more recently, why did my mental health and dysphoria have to mess up when I'm in the UK and around all my friends.

I've been streaming less, and when I do stream, it's become obvious I'm less happy and less of myself. And I think my fans have realized that, they have been tweeting, dming, and asking in chat if I'm ok. I lie and say yes, that I just didn't sleep well.

I think Tommy and tubbo have realized I'm doing worse, we have been doing more of what I want, I've sh way more than I normally would and I haven't been eating much, and I just wanna be taken out of this world. I just wanna end it all soon.

Tommy/tubbo POV
I have realized that ranboo isn't doing too well, mentally. He seems more not himself, he's become less energetic. We have been trying to cheer him up. We are worried that he's gonna hurt himself or end his life soon.

193 words
The only reason I didn't update yesterday was bc I fell asleep and forgot to update

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