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Its 1am and I haven't slept and I have school. I'm like half asleep while writing this, so I'm sorry if its bad.


Ranboo POV
About a week later
I was on call with Tommy and tubbo, then they came up with the idea that I came to the uk for a while. I said that I had to ask my mom, and that it would probably be a few months bc of school. They said ok and that they understood

I went downstairs and asked my mom is I could go, she said that I could go as soon as I graduated. I graduate in a few months, and I had good grades.

I went back upstairs and I texted Tommy and tubbo, and told them that after I graduated that I could come to the uk. So we made plans, I would go to the uk on may 25th. (it was March)

Ranboo POV still
The next day
I woke up and I had a reminder set that I had to take my T, so that's what I did. We don't want what happened in the last 2 chapter to happen again. Then after that I went downstairs and ofc my mom asked if I wanted food and I said no, and that I ate a late night snack. The reason i said no was bc of my ED

I went upstairs and played on my phone for around 2 hours and then I realized I had to stream soon so I got ready. (it was a irl stream) I put on my mask and glasses, and started the stream, I got a few hate comments, they didn't bother me. But then everything went downhill, I got a few comments saying that I looked girly and that I was fat. I couldn't handle it so I said that I had school work and I ended stream.

After that I started crying and then I realized, I had razor blades. And so went into the bathroom and grabbed one and slit my wrist, 5 times. 1 for being fat, 1 for having a ED, 1 for being trans, 1 for my dad leaving, 1 for me being myself.

340 words

Question:when should I do a face reveal?

Am I doing a good job on my story?

I've posted 3 times in 3 days, which is very good, this may never happen again

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