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⚠️TW: None I don't think⚠️

Ranboo POV
It has been 6 months
I have so many thoughts right now, I'm having to go back to the US today. I got ready and I got to the airport, I said goodbye to Tommy and tubbo. I was nervous again, what if my father found me again. I got on the plane and fell asleep

7 hours later
I woke up, I had a few minutes till we landed. When we landed, I grabbed my things, and got off the plane. I texted my mother that I had landed and got my stuff, we met at the front. We drove home.

At home
I sat my stuff in my room, I went downstairs and talked to my mother for a bit. We talked about the trip, and how it went, And what I did there.  Then it got late and I went to my room, I fell asleep. I usually felt safe sleeping, but for some reason I didn't feel safe. I couldn't sleep, so I got on discord and texted my friends, when they answered, they asked why I was awake. I said that I couldn't sleep. We called till that morning and my mom called me downstairs, than I realized how long id been on call for.

Word count 212
I'm sorry I haven't updated, my mental health has been shit. I haven't been motivated to write. It's currently 11:51pm and I can't sleep. So yay.

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