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Ranboo POV
It was may 25th
I woke up at 3am, and got ready. My flight was at 6am, I made sure I had everything. And we got in the car, it was around 5am. I checked in and everything, then I sat down. I got on the plane and fell asleep

Ranboo POV
Around 5 hours later
I woke up and I had 2 hours left, so I texted Tommy and tubbo and told them about my flight and stuff. I told them that I was landing and had to go, I put my phone away and got my stuff.  I called an Uber and went to tubbos house. When I got there him and Tommy were so excited to see me. I thought "fuck, it's gonna be so hard to hide my ED now" but it's whatever. We streamed together, then ordered food. They asked what I wanted and I just said a burger, I knew I wasn't gonna be able to keep it down tho. But we ate food. I said I had to go to the bathroom, and I ended up throwing up everything. But I went back to the living room like nothing happened.

Tubbo and Tommy pov
Ranboo said he needed to use the restroom, and then we heard throwing up. We just thought he got sick bc of the plane and being in a new place. He came out like nothing happened, we never spoke about that night. And he never threw up again. So we got a bit suspicious but whatever. We didn't wanna invade his privacy.

Ranboo POV
I think Tommy and tubbo are suspicious of me. But they can't know about my ED right now, so I hope I can keep hiding it. We were just watching TV then I heard a knock on the door.

306 words
And hahahah I left y'all with a cliff hanger. I'm in the car rn, bc we are picking up my step sis

Face reveal

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