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️⚠️TW: ED, SH, Razor BLADES, Cussing⚠️

Ranboo POV
It is may 20th
I graduated today, and I would go to the uk in 5 days. I was excited but nervous, because they don't know about my ED and only a few people know I'm trans.

I called Tommy and tubbo and we it's talked about the meet up, we talked about what I needed to bring. And about 2 hours later, I got really tired and so I left cal and went to sleep.

The next morning
I want downstairs and saw my mom and we talked, ofc she asked if I wanted food and I use the same excuse. She always believed it, and I was happy about that.

We talked about the meet up and how she would drop me off at the airport on the 25th. And so I started packing all my stuff, I was staying for 6 months.

I packed my other binder and my other trans stuff. I packed clothes, some razor blades just encase I wanted to sh, and I packed a few other things. I finished packing.

Tommy and tubbo called and we talked more about the meet ups and just random stuff, then I got a notification saying that my father escaped prison, I thought "fuck" he was probably looking for me. I told Tommy and tubbo about it, and they were mad.

But hopefully he won't find me when I'm in the UK with y'all. And if he does we can fight him off

248 words
I was tired so it's not gonna be that long

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