12 (the last chapter)

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Ranboo POV
I couldn't take it anymore, and sh wasn't helping anymore, and my ed was getting worse.
I texted the dream smp group chat and said

Hey guys I can't take life anymore, I went to the uk I got to meet my online friends. I fulfilled my dream by being a streamer and getting into the dream smp and having a loving and supporting fanbase. I also wanted to tell all my friends who don't know yet, that I'm trans (ftm) and I've been struggling with dysphoria for a long time, and it's only gotten worse. Ive been struggling with a ed and sh for the longest time and nothing is helping anymore. I'm sorry to my friends and family, but Im ending it all and I hope y'all won't miss me to much, tell my fanbase that I loved them and I will miss them and that they need to keep living and fulfill their dream and that I'll be watching over them.
I sent the message
My phone was blowing up

I cut 15 deeps cuts in my wrists and 5 shallower cuts on my wrists. Tommy or tubbo texted my mom  telling them to check on me (they got his mom's number from when he came to the uk)

Tommy/tubbo POV
I saw the messages and I wrote a message to him and I called him, he didn't answer. I texted his mom to check on him And she she was confused, but she did

Ranboos mom POV
Tommy/tubbo texted me to check on ranboo, so knocked on his door, no answer. So walked in and saw his body lying on the ground with blood on around him and his arms full of cuts and scars, his phone was blowing up. I called 911 and they were on the way. And when they got there, they told me that he wasn't breathing and he had died. I was crying my eyes out. How could my son be died. I called Tommy/tubbo and told them.

Tommy/tubbo POV
Ranboos mom called us and she told us that he had khs and that he was dead. We were crying our eyes out and so was she. We said that we were sorry for her loss, and we ended the call. We called the dream smp, And everyone was worried. We told them that ranboo was dead an that he khs. Everyone was crying. Dream tweeted saying something about it and I got on ranboos twitter and told everyone. We streamed an we told everyone what happened and what he told us to tell his fanbase. Everyone was crying and saying o7 in chat.

The end
449 words
I'm writing this at 12:24am

How was the book?

Im surprised I finished this story.
I'm sorry for the long last chapter

trans ranboo (ftm) Where stories live. Discover now