Chapter 9

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Pandit Ji was continuously enchanting mantras. Everything seemed hazy around me as I looked at everyone. Siddharth was constantly gazing at the fire. I could see my dreams burning in front of me as I closed my eyes. I remembered when I arrived here, and di told me about her love and upcoming marriage. But now, looking at him, he is such an asshole. I can't believe he ditched Sakshi di. I looked at him with hatred, promising to hate him forever.

"Now, both of you, please stand up for pheras," Pandit Ji said. Siddharth stood up and offered his hand to help, but I refused and stood on my own. We completed the pheras as Pandit Ji instructed. "Now, son, tie the mangalsutra around the bride's neck," Pandit Ji said. Siddharth took the mangalsutra and tied it. The mangalsutra is a necklace worn by a woman to signify that she is married.

"Now, put the vermilion," Pandit Ji said. My mom picked up my mangteeka and applied the vermilion to my hair partition. "With this, you both are married, and now you are husband and wife," Pandit Ji announced.

I stood up, unable to believe that I was no longer Mahi Rajpoot but Mahi Saxena, which was meant to be my sister's name. We finished up the remaining rituals, and then the final moment came: Vidaai, the ritual in which a newlywed bride has to leave her house. I saw my luggage was packed. My mom and dad came to me. I finished up the ritual, and my dad tried to hug me, but I didn't reciprocate. I thought of going to Sakshi di's room, but after everything that had happened, I couldn't show her my face. Whenever she woke up, she would be hurt to know that her own sister got married to her love.

I went out and took my luggage. "Workers will take it to another car," Siddharth said. I just nodded. We sat in the car, and I looked at him. He was staring out of the window. "Why did you marry me?" I asked, but he said, "This is not the right time," and signaled for me to be quiet. I started looking out of the window. After some time, we reached our destination, which turned out to be Hotel Suryagarh, one of the most famous 5-star hotels. It was beautiful, and I admired its design with so much creativity and authenticity.

"Mahi," I suddenly came back to reality, realizing that I couldn't pursue my dream of being an interior designer now. We checked in to the hotel, Siddharth and I. I checked into the presidential suite, while his mom and dad were in another suite. I entered the room, fully decorated for a newlywed couple. Siddharth entered, looked at me, and came close. I moved back, but this time I hit the wall. "What are you doing?" I whispered, but he just kept looking at me.

"Don't you have any shame? What kind of man are you? You were supposed to marry my sister, and then you married me. Don't you have any self-respect? I don't know the reason why my father asked me to marry you, but just know that I hate you. I hate you from the core of my heart. First, you ditched my sister, and then you married me. I was right about you when I met you at the mall that day. You are nothing but just an asshole," I said. He looked at me and warned me not to talk to him like that again.

"Well, let me make this obvious, Miss Mahi Rajpoot. Don't you ever dare to talk to me like this again. I married you, and yes, I don't have any shame. This is what I am. If I ever catch you calling me an asshole, be ready for the consequences," he said.  " I jus- " Shut Up" he shouted at me, punched the wall, and told me to go to sleep as we had to leave for Delhi the next day.

What kind of man is he? Now I am so glad Sakshi di didn't marry him because a soft girl like her must have started crying by now. My phone rang, and it was my mom asking if I was okay. "Are you kidding me, Mom? It hasn't even been 24 hours, and you are asking me if I am okay or not?" I replied and hung up. I removed all the roses and decorations from the bed and changed into my pajamas. "I hate this lehenga," I muttered to myself and lay down in bed.

"Mahi, now this is your life. You are married now. There's nothing to disbelieve. You have to live like this. Just remember, never let yourself down," I said to myself and drifted off to sleep

OUR (NOT SO) PERFECT MARRIAGE (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now