Chapter 10

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So guys, this is the Siddharth point of view chapter ..where we get to see his other side 


Siddharth pov ..

What's her problem? I was getting close to calming her. I know how she must be feeling after all this. I owe her so much. I made her life terrible. I couldn't imagine what she must be going through. But she always managed to get on my nerves, the way she talked. Never in my life has someone spoken to me like this. I wouldn't want to marry her. I know she has some dreams to fulfill. After all, she just started her life. She is 8 years younger than me. I wish Sakshi didn't meet with an accident. I wish I could change all this.

I was living in Delhi, running my business, cracking deals. I didn't even think about getting married. When I was getting married to Sakshi, I felt that life would be simple. But now, with this guilt that I married a girl who didn't even want to get married, and that too to a guy she doesn't like... I don't know how I will cope with this. I ordered whiskey and went to the other room. I closed my eyes. I saw Mahi crying in front of her father that she didn't want to get married. I can relate to her because at one time I used to be like this, to fulfill my dreams. I went to her room to check on her. I entered the room, and everything was messed up. I know she has some severe temper issues. I looked at her. She was fast asleep with her mouth open. I chuckled looking at her.

'How am I going to spend my life with her?' I thought and sat there looking at her. Seriously, somebody said it right; you don't know what life has in store for you.

"Hello, Vineet," I called my P.A. "Yes, sir," he said. "I need you to do one work for me. Please do a background check on Mahi Rajpoot," I said. "Sir, Mahi Rajpoot? Is she the sister of Sakshi mam?" he asked. "Yes, she is. Well, don't be shocked to know that I am married to her sister now," I said. "What, sir? What happened?" he asked. "Long story, but first do a background check on her. Like everything, her college life to her school life, any boyfriends, everything. And second, don't let this news out to anyone," I said. "Okay, sir, that will be done," he said.

Vineet is my P.A. as well as my childhood friend. I met him in my childhood. He was our driver's son. I requested my father to let us go to the same school. We became such good friends. He had a chance to grow up in life, but instead, he chose to work for me.

I ordered one more glass of whiskey. "No, you can't," I looked at Mahi. "Mahii, are you okay?" I asked softly, but she didn't reply; she was sleeping. I was looking at her when she said, "No, please," again... Oh, maybe she talks in her sleep. I thought. "Mahii?" I said. She slowly opened her eyes. "What happened?" she said, waking up. "Nothing," I said. "What time is it?" she asked. "It's 2:30. You go sleep," I said. "Yes, but you called me, right?" she asked. "No, must be you dreaming," I said. She looked at me and then she laid down. Wow, in sleep, she talks very nicely. I took one more glass of whiskey and went to my room.

The truth was, I never wanted this marriage either. It wasn't about Mahi; it was about the situation, the sudden turn of events that left us both grappling with disbelief. I leaned against the door, my mind replaying the events leading up to this moment.

And then there was Mahi. Fiery, outspoken Mahi. Our initial encounters were filled with clashes, her sharp words cutting through the air. I understood her anger, her resentment towards me for what had transpired. Marrying her, especially under these circumstances, felt like a cruel twist of fate.

As I entered the room, Mahi's words echoed in my mind. "What are you doing? Don't you have any shame?" Her accusations stung, but I couldn't blame her. I hadn't handled the situation with grace either.

As the evening unfolded, amidst the lavish surroundings of the hotel, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for us. One thing was certain – life had thrown us a curveball, and now we had to face it together, whether we liked it or not.


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Erica <3

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