chapter 25

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Mahi pov

He pulled me close; I could feel his hands on my waist, softly holding my face. I closed my eyes, and he kissed me. I could feel his firm lips... I... "Mahiiiiii!" I heard a voice. Shit, it's Mom... I immediately opened my eyes and got out of his grip. I didn't look at him; I was too shy. "It's Mom," I said, and he nodded. I went out, feeling a mix of excitement and confusion. What was that? He kissed me... I was about to reciprocate, but then Mom interrupted...

Siddharth's POV:

I kissed her... almost. I felt the touch of her lips. Suddenly, she lost her grip. "It's Mom," she said, not looking at me. I know she's feeling shy. Damn, that was such a special moment; why did it have to happen? She didn't even look at me and ran away. I can't get that moment out of my mind; it was more like a tease, but it meant a lot to me. I went to the washroom, changed, and came back. I opened my laptop and checked her account like I do every night. I don't know why; I can't stop looking at her... I think I'm in love with her. Each picture tells a story, and that's what attracts me to her account every night. I always make sure to look at pictures before sleeping.

"Siddharth, Mom is calling for dinner," she said.

"Yeah, coming," I replied and looked at her; now she's looking at me. I so wanted to continue that kiss, but now I have to create a moment for that...

At dinner, Mom was looking at me mysteriously. "What, Mom?" I asked.

"Nothing," she said.

"Then why are you looking at me like that?" I questioned.

"I'm not looking at you," Mom said.

"Is there something going on?" I pressed.

"Nothing, you just eat your food now," Mom deflected. I glanced at Mahi; she was eating peacefully. After dinner, I had a coffee and went to my room.

Mahi came after a while, got changed, and lay on the bed. "Good night, Mahi," I said, hoping for more but unsure.

She looked at me for a minute. I wanted to grab her and kiss her hungrily, to express all that I felt. Why am I getting these thoughts? I'm not just attracted to her; I know I'm in love with her. But how do I tell her? She's already overwhelmed by everything happening to her. I have to be there for her; she's my responsibility, my wife, my Mahi.

I went back to work, and suddenly, there was a notification on my phone: "Mahi tagged you on a post." I opened her account and saw a picture of us from that dinner night, with the caption "my husbriend." I was shocked for a moment. I looked at her; she was smiling. "What is this, Mahi?" I asked.

"You don't like it? If you don't, I will remove it. Just tell me if you don't like it," Mahi said.

"No, it's not like that. I was just shocked," I said.

"Well, you don't have to be shocked. I just put it because I like it," she said.

"You liked a pic, or you like us?" I asked.

"Us," she said without hesitation. I got up from my couch, went up to her. She looked at me. Now I really wanted to kiss her...

She got up on the bed, knelt down, and hugged me tightly. It was a tight hug, and I hugged her back, kissing her on the forehead. "Are you in love with me?" I asked, hoping for a yes.

"No," she said.

"Then what is this?" I asked.

"Well, it's just a hug," she said.

"Okay, and you're hugging me because?" I probed.

"Because you are my friend, and I know you will be there for me whenever I need you," she said. I felt a pinch in my heart. She still thinks we are just friends. How do I tell her that I love her? How do I tell her that I need her every second of my life?

"Okay, if we are friends only, then why did you allow me to kiss you in the evening?" I asked.

"Well, I think it was just a moment, but it got ruined," she said.

"Thank you for the caption," I said.

"Well, you deserve it. You are the best husband + Friend," she said.

"But you just told me that I am your friend," I said.

"What do you want from me?" she asked.

"Love," I said. She looked at me shockingly.

"But you're in love with Sakshi Di," she said. Now I understood what was stopping her.

"Mahi, do you want to go for a long drive?" I asked.

"Now? It's late," she said.

"I know it's late, but I think today is the day when you need to know everything about me and Sakshi, and each answer that you are expecting. Like why everything happened with you, why you had to get married to me, everything. Because it's your right to know why this all happened to you, and I want you to achieve your dream and go ahead with your life. I will do anything to help you with that," I explained.

"Are you sure? Is it okay if I don't get any answers?" she asked.

"I think it's time for you to understand what was between Sakshi and me. Let's go for a drive," I said decisively.


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I know I have been posting for two or three days, but I am not keeping good with my health.. I am trying my best to edit and then upload..

Thank you, guys, for keeping patience.

Lots of love to you guys



Erica <3

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