Chapter 24

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Mahi P.O.V

It's been a few days, and everything is going well. I've caught Siddharth stalking my account a few times; I wonder what he's doing. He's been very busy with his office work. Everyone from our relatives went to their homes, but Grandfather is still here, which is why we are still staying together. But I'm glad now; I'm liking it.

It's very late, and still, he's not here. I called him. "Mahi? What happened? Are you good?" he said.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good... why?" I asked.

"Nothing... you never called me, that's why I asked," he said.

"I called you because you're not home yet. Where are you?" I wondered. There was a pause. "Sidd?" I prompted.

"Yeah... I'm stuck with some work... I'll be there in an hour," he said. I went down to have dinner.

"Mom, I will keep the plate for Siddharth too. You can go and sleep; don't wait. I am here," I said.

"Sure?" she said. I nodded. "You are the best girl for my Siddharth," she said. I smiled, but it was not meant to be. I felt a thread of sadness. I went to my room, waited for him, but ended up falling asleep.

I heard some shuffling; I opened my eyes. Shit, I slept. I saw Siddharth. "Oh, I am so sorry. Did I wake you up?" he said softly.

"No, no, it's fine," I reassured him. I looked at the clock; it was 2 am. "You were this late?" I asked.

"Well, there was work," he said. He went to the washroom. "Let's go, have dinner," I said.

"No, you sleep. I will eat tomorrow only," he said. I knew there was no point in arguing with him. I took his hand and started going.

"Mahiii," he said, but I didn't listen. "Sit," I said. He sat on the chair like an obedient child. I brought dinner for him. "Eat," I said.

"Mahi, you can sleep," he said.

"No, first you eat," I insisted. He ate, making several faces. We talked. Then we went to our room. I saw him making his couch to sleep. I felt terrible; even after so much work, he needs to sleep peacefully.

"Sid, you can come to sleep here, in bed only," I said.

"No, Mahi, that's it. I'm not going to let you sleep on the couch now," he said.

"Who said I'm gonna sleep on the couch? I think the bed is big enough," I said. He looked surprised. "Are you serious?" he said.

"Yes," I said. He switched on the dim lights and came to bed. I made a bridge of pillows and lay down on my side.

"Seriously?" he said.

"Yaaa," I said. He gave me a look and went to sleep.

The next day...

I woke up and saw Siddharth working on a laptop. "Are you serious? You started working already," I said. It was only 8 in the morning.

"There's a lot of work, Mahi," he said.

"Well, you have anything?" I asked.

"No time," he said. I got up, got fresh, made coffee, and took out biscuits.

"Ma'am, what's for breakfast?" Radha asked.

"You can ask Mom; I am terrible at this," I said, and went to the room. Siddharth was not there, maybe in the washroom. I kept the coffee on his desk and sat on the couch. He came to his desk, saw the coffee, looked at me. I cheered him; he smiled and started working again.

Me, Siddharth, and Mom were having breakfast. "Sid, eat slowly," Mom said.

"Can't, have to rush," he said and got up. "Bye, Mom," he said, then suddenly came close to me and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Bye, wifey," he said and went out. I was shocked, like what just happened. I looked at Mom; she was smiling. Fuck, what just happened.

"What happened? Why are you red?" Mom said.

I looked at her. "Mom..." I said, making a face. I went to the room. I looked in the mirror. I couldn't stop smiling. I touched my cheeks; I could feel the firmness of his lips. I still can't believe he did that. I can't stop smiling. "What just happened?" I texted him. I waited for his reply. Ting. "What?" "What? You just did that too in front of Mom." "So what? You are my wife." "Soo... it's not like something usual between us." "So you didn't like that? Okay, I am sorry. I will not do that again, Mahi." "No, I didn't mean that." ";) Oh, okay," shit, I have to stop texting him. Ting. I looked at my phone. "You can't stop thinking about it." Ughhh, I just realized that I am feeling so happy. It has been a long time since I felt like this. I called my Mom. "Hello, Mahi," she said. "Mom," I said. "Mahi, is everything okay?" she asked. "Yes, Mom, everything is fine," I said. "You seem to be happy," she said. "Coz I am," I said. "I am so happy for you, my child. I told you everything is going to be okay," I talked to Mom for a while, then went to do my online courses.

Sid's POV:

I have a lot of work to do, but I still can't focus. Why? Because there's something on my mind, and yes, it's Mahii... The way she took care of me, no one has ever done that. In the morning, when I saw coffee on my table and looked at her, she cheered; I was so happy. It's like I have someone who will take care of me like anything. When I was having breakfast, I couldn't stop looking at her. I think Mom noticed it too; that's why I kissed her on the cheek when I was leaving. I know she must be shocked. I reached home. "Oh, finally, you are back," Mom said. Yes, I saw Mahi too; she smiled, and she was all red. I know she's blushing. "Go get fresh and have dinner," Mom said, and went to the kitchen. I looked at her; she looked at me. I gave her a smirk and went to my room. I could sense she was coming too. I got a pat on my back. "What?" I said. "Why did you do that?" she asked. "Because I wanted to," I said. She got hushed for a second. "But why?" she said. "You can't stop thinking about it," I said. "Nn...noo.noo, it's not like that," she said. I directly looked into her eyes. I held her waist and pulled her towards me. "I know what I did in the morning, and if I want to, I will do it again. But if you have any problem, you can say. I will not do that again... I promise," I whispered. She was looking into my eyes. She nodded. "No problem?" I asked. "No," she said softly. "Sure?" I asked. "Yaa," she said softly. We were looking at each other. I got this sudden urge to kiss her. I held her face softly and started pulling her towards me. She closed her eyes. Even though I closed mine. And we kissed...

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