Chapter 15

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Mahi P.O.V.

"Mahi!" I looked  back, and he was standing there. "Oh... I am sorry," I put the frame down. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "Nothing, I just came... actually, mom has sent this for you," I said. I don't know why I didn't tell him I bought it for him as a thank you. "Well, mom can also send this through the driver's hand," he said. I gave him the packet. He opened it. "Oh my God," his eyes lit up. "It's a hazelnut brownie," he said. "But why did you bring it here?" he said. "Well... I..."

"Siddhart, the client is asking for the file," Vineet came inside. Sonali, that girl, also came with him. "Vin, take it from the 2nd drawer. It's in that only," Vineet went to the table. "No, it's not there," he said. "What?" Siddharth went to the table to search. He also couldn't find it. "We have to find it; otherwise, we will lose this deal," he said. Everyone in the cabin started searching. "Sir, maybe Mahi has lost it," Sonali said. I looked at her. "What? I haven't touched anything in your cabin," I said. "Sonali, how can you say that she has lost it," Siddharth asked. "Well, sir, Mahi has been waiting for you in that cabin for like an hour, and nobody is allowed to enter your cabin without your permission, and I saw her searching through the files," she said. "What the fuck... whatever you are saying is not making sense," I said. "Mahi, where's that file?" Siddharth asked me. "What?" I looked at him shocked. "Where's the file?" he asked again. "Sid, I don't think Mahi has to do anything with it," Vineet said. Sid signed him to be silent. "Mahi... say," "What? Are you nuts? I haven't touched anything," I said. "Mahi Rajpoot... I am asking one last time where's that file," he said in a loud voice. "I don't know," I said. "It's important for me, so tell me... where's the fuckin fileee," he shouted at me and tapped the table. I got scared for a second. I took the brownies and threw them on the floor. "Your file is in my head," I said and went out angrily. "And you know what Siddharth... go to hell... " I said and went out.

I sat in the car, and immediately I started sobbing. He did not believe me... but he believed that bitch... I got a call from Vineet, but I didn't pick it up.

He isn't trusting me... but he believes that bitch Sonia... I don't know I haven't met her before still she's so mean and rude... but what hurts the most is that Siddharth doesn't trust me... I bought those brownies for him, and he spoiled everything... I hate him... and will hate him for life.


She took the brownies and threw them on the floor. "Your file is in my head," she said and stomped out of the room. "And you know what, Siddharth... go to hell... " "Mahiiii," I looked back, but she was not there. I spotted Sonali smiling... "Why are you smiling?" I asked her. She got caught off guard... "Nothing, Siddharth, it's just..." "Call me Siddharth sir," I said to her... she looked at me briefly... "Sorry Siddharth, sir"... "Good... now please go do your work... and don't come until and unless I call you," she went out... "Vineet change my P.A... and call Mahi, please," I said... although Vineet likes to be my PA, I always made him do bigger things... he is the best project manager... he is my P.A. in my personal life...

Beep beep

"Yes Mom," I said on a call... "So aren't you happy with the brownies?" she said. I looked on the floor... it was there... I am so angry with Mahi; how could she throw something that my mom sent for me... "Yes, mom... but why did you send it?" I asked... "What? I didn't send it... it's from Mahi's side... she must be shy telling you... but she wanted to gift you as a thank you," she said. What! She brought that for me... "Ok mom, I'll talk to you later"... Oh god... I went to my desk... I opened every drawer... and finally, I found that file... fuck I remember I placed it here only... "Sid... Mahi is not picking up the call," he said... "Leave her... she is one angry bean... I will talk to her at night but first call Sonali here," I said...

"Yes sir, you called me." "Sonali... you know who Mahi is," I asked... "No sir, I don't know," She said... "She is my wife," I said... Sonali's jaw dropped... I can sense she made a mistake... "Why did you lie?" I asked... she looked at me... "Sorry sir"... "You can go," she went out... I took up the brownie box... "Don't tell me you are going to eat it," Vineet said... "Mahi bought this for me, and what I gave her in return... I believed that Sonali... I want to suspend her," I said and got up... "Sid wait," ... I went to her cabin. "Sonali... get out. There's no need to come from tomorrow," I said... I don't know what got into me... she got up scared... "Sir, I am sorry," she said.

She is about to cry... "Sid don't do this... we have a contract with her," Vineet said... "Well, in that case... out from this cabin... and you will sit at reception now," I said and went out... shit... What have I done!!!!


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