Chapter 27

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"Sid, you didn't even meet that girl... then how?" he said. "I don't know; it's just the way Sakshi was telling me about her. I was kind of intrigued to know more about her," I said. "Well, without even meeting her, how can you like her?" he said. "No, it's not about liking or loving... it's about her, how she's so into her career and life," I said. "Sid, is everything ready for the event?" Dad said. "Yes, yes... don't worry about that," I said.

Event Day

Finally, the event is here. It's always an important event for us as we make many deals here. While my father and I were busy with different people, I saw a glance... "Sakshi?" I saw her. What is she doing here? She is in a green golden saree... wow, she is looking stunning. She saw me and smiled; I smiled back. "Wow, you look beautiful," I said. "Thank you," she replied. "Well, I am inquisitive; what are you doing here? It's a business event," I said. "Yes, I know. I am here with my father," she said. "Oh, where is he?" I asked. "There," she pointed to another side. I saw, and there was my father talking about something. "Is he your father?" I asked. "Yes, in that white coat. I don't know with whom he is talking," she said. "My father," I said. "What, haha?" she laughed. I saw my father calling me. "Sakshi, I have to go."

"Ya, ya, go. Even I am going to my father," she said. I went to my father. "Yes, Dad," I said. "Oh, so I finally saw Sakshi Rajput... quite a nice girl," he said. "What's the point of this, Dad? It's not that I like her or something," I said, irritated.

"Sid, I am thinking for the long term... her father is a growing businessman and so straightforward for the business," he said. "Long term? What do you mean?" I asked. "You need to help me with this... we need him to achieve the greatest spot in this business world," he said. "So, should I talk to him?" I asked. "No, make Sakshi fall in love with you... ask for marriage," he said.

"What?!" I said shockingly. I have never seen Sakshi with those feelings. "Do it, Sid... she's a nice girl also. I have checked everything about her... well settled, well-mannered... you'll be happy," he said. No, I need to stop this. I need to stop meeting Sakshi now. I went up to her. "Sakshi, I want to talk to you," I said. "Yes, I know what you wanna talk about," she said. I got confused. "What?" I asked. "That you started liking me," she said. "Sakshi, it's not like—ah, ssh, I know you do like me. Even my father, who is so strict with everything, approves of me being with you," she said. "How, why, what?" I said. Then I looked at my father. I knew he had done something. "Dad, what did you tell them?" I asked. "Sid, I just said that you like his daughter and you wanted to marry her," he said. "Dad, how can you just decide who I want to marry?" I said. "I already talked to you about this," he said. "But why did you say to Sakshi that I like her? I just see her as a friend," I said. I was furious with my dad. "Can't you see that... Sakshi is totally in love with you," he said. "Dad, it's just been a few weeks; I know her... how can she fall in love so quickly? Dad, it's about life..." I said.

"Take your time... figure it out," he said.

The rest of the event just went by like that. I am irritated and frustrated with everything at the same time. It's not like Sakshi is not a nice girl... I am not getting a good feeling about this.

Two months later

I was so busy with work that I couldn't even make time to meet her. Today I am gonna surprise her. I went to the florist and bought an excellent bouquet for her. Then I reached the restaurant. "Hey," I said. "Shut up, I am not gonna talk to you," Sakshi said. "Well, I am sorry, you know work," I said. "Sometimes I wonder how Papa approves of you... he never supported love marriage," she said. "Maybe because he likes me," I said.

So apparently, my dad was right. Sakshi was indeed in love with me. She confessed it to me. She fell in love with me at first sight, and she knew at that time only that I was gonna be her soulmate. She manifested it so hard that it's going to be true. I took my time; I don't know if I loved her or not, but I did like her. She is not like any other girl... simple, sweet, and so homely that I started liking her. I know it's gonna take time, but I will surely love her. Now, within the next month, we are getting married. Life is so unpredictable; you never know what will be next.


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Erica <3

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