Chapter 36

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Mahi pov

I can't take my eyes away from him... I was continuously looking at him. He said he was married... good for him. "Well, good for you," I said and started going. I felt a grip on my wrist. "Sid, what are you doing? For God's sake, you are my sister's husband," I said, turning back. "Mahiiiii," I heard a voice and looked back. It was Sakshi di. Shit, I got tears in my eyes. "Diii," I said and hugged her. "Where did you go, and for how long? You were not there at my marriage too," she said, almost crying. "How are you? Are you happy?" I asked. "You don't even imagine how happy I am now," she said. Then I looked at her. She is wearing a saree with bangles, just like a married woman in India. "You look beautiful," I said. Somewhere, my heart is crying from inside. I shouldn't have come here. "Mahi, I want to—" "Di, I think I should go. I have some work," I said and went away. "Mahi," I heard Sid calling me, but what's the point of staying here?

I went out, and I was shocked. It was my mom and dad. "Mommmmm," I screamed and ran to hug her. She hugged me back tightly. "Mahiii, my bachi, you have grown up," she said, kissing me on my forehead. I hugged her again. "Dad," I hugged him too. "Finally, you achieved what you always wanted to achieve," he said. "Yes," I got overwhelmed with all the emotions. Shittt, I hadn't expected this. "How are you all here?" I asked. "Vineet called us." "Ohh..." "Mahiii," I looked back. It was Sid's mom. She came towards me. "Mommm," I said and hugged her. "Sorry, aunty," I said. "Don't you dare call me mom. You are my daughter too," she said. "You went away without even meeting me," she said. "I am sorry. I just can't stay here," I said, crying. "Don't cry," she said, caressing my hair. "Today there's dinner. You have to come at least for us," she said. You know what, forget them. I will be there for them. I will be going to present at the dinner. "I will be there," I said.

I came back to my room. Shit, it was just so overwhelming. I told Anay everything; he got shocked by hearing all this. Soon it was evening. I was getting ready. I wore a black dress with heels. "Anay, are you ready?" I asked. "Yes, yes, I am," he said. Then we went to the restaurant. We reached there; everyone was there, leaving Sakshi di and Sid. I didn't ask about them. "You are looking beautiful," Sid's mom said. "Thank you," I said, smiling. Then Sid entered the restaurant alone and sat in front of me. But Sakshi di was not there. "Where's di?" I asked mom. "Ahh, she is running late. She will be here in 5 mins." I got confused for a second and looked at Siddharth. He was silent and didn't look at me. I just shrugged it off.

After 10 mins, I saw di coming inside, but she is not alone. She is with some guy. She is holding his hands. I got confused, like so confused. "Hy mahiii," she greeted me. I smiled at her confusingly. "Oh yes, meet Uday, my husband," she said. My face dropped for a second. "Whattt?" I said. "Yesss, my husband." "Hy Mahi, heard a lot about you," he said. I smiled at him. Were they playing a prank on me? I was so confused and shocked right now. I looked at Siddharth; he was silent. Everyone was chatting and laughing, but me and Sid, we both were silent. I ordered gin for me, and then I went out. "Heyyy," I heard a voice, and I know it's Sid. I turned back. "You didn't get married to di?" I asked. "No," he said softly. "But why?" I asked.

"Because I was... I am... in love with you," he said. "I already told you, Mahi, that I have never loved her. I do like her as a person but never seen her with those eyes. Five years ago, I know I let you down by not accepting in front of Sakshi that I love you, but there was a reason. I thought you understood, but you didn't. You left. But I didn't stop you because I knew you went out to achieve your dreams. Still, I knew what I had to do... I had to wait for you... so I waited," he said. I was in tears. How could I not trust him? Shit... I held my face in my hands.

"Mahi... I am sorry for letting you down that day," he said. "I think I need some time alone," I said. "No, it's enough of you now. You wanted to be alone five years ago. I didn't stop you, but now don't even think about that," he said. I hugged him. "I am so sorry... so sorry that I didn't listen to you at that time," I said. "Ssh Mahi... don't cry like that, please... don't," he said. I hugged him more tightly. "I love you, Sid," I said. He held my face in his hand. "I love you the most," he said and kissed me on my forehead. "So what happened exactly five years ago... why did Sakshi di marry someone else? She loved you, right?" "I will tell you," he said.


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