Chapter 11: Day Trip

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"Kenz, wake up!" Clarke says, walking into mine and Bellamy's tent.

"What?" I ask groggily. My eyes are still closed, and my head is turned towards Bellamy.

"I need yours and Bellamy's help!" Clarke says.

"With what?" I ask, opening one of my eyes and staring at her.

"Jaha says the dropship went off track, but there's a place that might have supplies that's nearby," Clarke says.

"We're not going to Mount Weather!" I say, fully opening my eyes.

"I'm not talking about Mount Weather," Clarke says. "Will you and Bellamy just help me?"

"Why, cause you don't want to be with people you like?" I ask.

"Hey, I love you." Clarke says.

"Clarke, you're my sister; you have to love me." I say, sitting up. "But you don't have to like me."

"Are you going to help me or not?" Her bright blonde hair blinds me when the sun hits it.

"I have more oppressing matters to attend to, but go ask Bellamy yourself. He's training the others by the dropship." I tell her, grabbing my fur coat.

"When do I get one of those?" Clarke jokes.

"When you make it yourself." I say. I look down at the ground; I can't even see past my huge stomach at this point. I sigh and walk past Clarke. "Hey, firebird, you're coming with me!" I say, walking up to Blake, Jasper, and Monty.

"What about us?" Monty and Jasper ask.

"We'll be back, don't worry, Jasper, I'll take care of her." I say, smiling at Blake.

"She better come back in one piece." Jasper says.

"She will." I say, smiling. "Grab your jacket." I point to her bright purple rain jacket. She's the only one who has a purple coat. "Bye, boys."

"Bye." Blake says, hugging Jasper. We both walk out of the gates and towards my cabin. "Where are we going?"

"Blake, how often do you get to use your powers? Besides to start campfires?" I ask her.

"Not very often. Jasper doesn't want people to take advantage of me, and I don't really get to shine. I mean, you get to use your powers, and they're amazing, and everyone knows that you have them. I mean, they call you Ice Princess, for god's sake. I'm just a dumb kid that can light campfires." Blake rants. "They don't call me anything other than Blake or Jaspers dumb little sister."

"So what do you want to be called then?" I ask the brown-haired, green-eyed girl.

"Honestly, I want to be called Fire Hawk. Like in Borderlands 2." Blake says.

"So Fire Hawk, let's see if we can't use those powers of yours to help me take back Ice Nation. But you're going to need more than just your powers. I want to train you, just like how I was trained, but to take over Ice Nation and help those people." I explain to her. 

"What's the deal with Ice Nation? There are different nations?" Blake asks.

"Yes, Blake, Ice Nation is one of many, but Ice Nation is the Nation I created. Look, when I left, I passed the torch to someone known as the Ice Queen now. That was the worst mistake I could've made because now she wants to start a war with not only Tri Kru but all the Mountain Men. I want you to be my second in command when we take them back. It's not going to be easy, mostly cause she does have some loyal followers. But  it can be something better once we do." I explain to the 15-year-old kid.

"So what you're saying is, you want to start a two-man war with a nation that wants to start a war with other nations so that we can make Ice Nation better and less murdery?" Blake asks.

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