Chapter 8: Octavia's Missing

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"Hey have you seen O?" Bellamy  asks me.

"Not since yesterday, why?" I ask sitting up from my nap in Bellamy's tent.

"She's not here, which means she's out there." Bellamy says starting to panic.

"Bell, I'm sure Octavia's fine." I yawn.

"She's not you Kenz. You can at least fend for yourself and you know them. O can't." Bellamy says.

"Come here for a second." I say motioning for him to come and sit down next to me. He does and I move a lock of his brown hair out of his face. "Octavia is going to be okay. She's stronger than you think and she's been practically taking care of herself for a long time. That's what happens when you're the second born child. You have to learn how to take care of yourself."

"Kenzie, she's my sister, meaning she's my responsibility. If anything happens to her..." I cut him off by kissing him.

"Bell, nothing's going to happen to her." I repeat. "Here, I'll go out myself and look for her."

"Not alone!" Bell says grabbing my arm.

"Bellamy, I know the woods like the back of my hand. If she's out there, I'll find her and bring her back here safely." I start to stand up and Bellamy pulls me back down.

"Hey, you're my responsibility now too missy. I can't just allow you to go out on your own any more. What if something also happens to you?" Bellamy asks.

"Bellamy, what the hell is going to happen to me?" I stare him dead in the face. "The worse that's going to happen is I kill a grounder or two."

"Okay, I get that you think that's the worse that can happen, but what if they get to you by hurting the baby?" Bellamy says. The words enter my brain like a wasp stinging the back of my head. Sad thing is, I know that's a possibility, not necessarily from the grounders, but from the mountain men. But the mountain men are a different story for a different day. 

"Bellamy, do you really think that I would let anybody get close enough to actually hurt this baby?" I ask him.

"No, but Kenz, my point is you have to be careful." Bellamy says. "Look at what happend to Jasper."

"And Jasper survived. Just like Octavia will. O will be fine and so will I. Difference between Jasper and I, just as an fyi, I have super powers that help me out all the time. Jasper doesn't." I tell the bruting man sitting next to me. "Bellamy... I'll find Octavia, but if it will make you feel better, you can assemble a team to storm the woods with you."

"That would make me feel better." Bellamy admits. "And I want you by my side at all times."

"Bellamy!" I warn.

"Those are my terms." Bell says. My blood starts to boil at the thought of being told what to do. I hate it and always will. Maybe because when I'm down here, I'm never really told what to do. I can do my own thing and be left alone. But on the Ark, I had to listen to everyone. I had to take orders from my mother and I hated it. Clarke got to do whatever she wanted, but I had to stay locked in the wall. But hey, at least I had an escape. I had earth, well actually I have earth.

Bellamy stares at me awaiting my response. "Bell, what do you want me to say? That I agree with having to have you protect me? I've been protecting myself for a long ass time. I know the inner workings of the grounders culture. If anything, I should be the one protecting you." The words flow out of me like a tornado. I wait for Bellamy to say something, anything and yet the seconds feel like hours. 

"We should be protecting each other." Bell whispers. "Kenzie, I can't lose you or the baby and I can't lose my sister either. I have to know that both of you are safe at all times."

"Bell, that's literally impossible. I don't know if Clarke's safe at all times and I can't be sure if you are. But all we can do is our best and trust that the other one knows what they're doing." I say standing up. My black tank top is sticking to my tight skin because of the humidity. My hair is all frizzy and I don't have pants that properly fit me anymore. I take off my tank top and put on one of Bellamy's shirts. I grab my stretchiest jeans and put them on. "Shit!" I say trying to get them to button.

"Just wear one of my jeans." Bell says pointing to his folded up pile of jeans. "They'll probably fit you better." I nod and put them on. Bell has a bigger waist then I have ever had, until now and surprisingly his jeans fit better than mine. 

"Thanks." I say. I grab my tennis shoes and attempt to put them on my swollen feet. "Seriously. Can't anything fit any more?" I ask annoyed. Bell smirks and helps me get my shoes on my feet. "Thank you, again." I say annoyed. 

"This is why we need each other." Bell smirks. He walks out of the tent and I throw on my big fur coat. It's literally the only coat I can get around my body. I walk out of the tent and see Bellamy talking to Clarke and Finn. 

"Let's not start a fight right now." I say walking up to them.

"We're deciding how many should go and search for Octavia." Clarke says.

"How about four, You, Finn, Bellamy, and me. We don't need anyone else." I say.

"Even though you might think that Kenz, we could probably use Monroe, Miller, Jasper, and a few others to go look for her." Clarke says.

"Clarke, what part of 'I have these woods memorized like the back of my hand' don't you understand?" I glare at her as the words circle around her brain. "Why can't people just believe me? And are you really going to take Jasper with you? He's still recovering from his last encounter in the woods." I point out. "If anything you should take Blake. She can literally burn anything in her path, just like I can freeze anything."

"Jasper has Blake on lockdown like Bellamy tries to have Octavia." Finn chimes in.

"Whatever!" I say rolling my eyes. "You all have fun with the hunting party, I'm going to look for her myself." I say storming off. I can feel Bellamy's eyes burning a hole in the back of my skull from anger and disappointment and I can feel my sister glaring at me. What did they honestly expect me to do? Stay with them the entire time. It's not like either of them are going to listen to me. I teleport of the camp and start walking through the woods. "OCTAVIA!" I yell. She couldn't have gone that far.

I look down as my foot almost lands in a hole. "SHIT!" I scream as I barely catch myself. "Can this not happen today?" I ask looking up at the sky. I walk down hill until I find Lincoln's cave. "Lincoln?" I ask as I slide into it. I see no one and hear no one. "Hello?" I ask.

"Who's there?" Octavia's voice shyly asks from the shadows.

"O, it's Kenzie." I reply. I walk over to her and see her in chains. "What happened?"

"A man, he saved me." Octavia says. "Well I think." She says looking down at the chains.

"That's probably just a precaution." I say staring at them. "He didn't know who you were or what you're capable of. But I can guarantee he's not going to hurt you." I say calming the frightened girl down. "He's a healer and my friend." I tell her. "He'll only attack if he feels threatened."

"But he doesn't feel threatened by me?" Octavia asks.

"By the looks of it, no he doesn't. If anything he fancy's you." I say looking over at his open notebook. "He's an artist and a healer, but he doesn't show his artistic side very often." I explain to her. The day turns into night and I wait for Lincoln to return. He walks back into his cave and sees me standing there. He nods and turns towards Octavia. "Chit happened gon em?" I ask Lincoln. Which just translates to "What happened to her?" 

"She fell daun en bash op em ankle." Lincoln replies. Which translates to "She fell down and hurt her ankle."

"O?" I hear Bellamy's voice ask as the group walks into the cave. Bellamy sees Octavia sitting in a corner and me talking to Lincoln. "What the hell?" Bellamy asks. He punches Lincoln in the face.

"Bell DON'T!" I attempt to stop him. Finn attempts to pin Lincoln up against the wall and gets stabbed. "STOP!" I scream. Finn falls to the ground and Bell gets Octavia. The rest of the group beats Lincoln up and takes him hostage as I'm pleading for them to stop. I try to push one of them off of Lincoln, then all the sudden I feel a sharp pain in my side. I fall to the ground and stare at Finn. "Shit!" I whisper to myself. My eye sights starts to fade to black and I start to lose consciousness. The world around me fades to black.

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