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Rick heads back to his tent with Lori. She had already put Carl to bed, who had already fallen asleep, worn out from the events of the night. It was amazing how kids could sleep under any conditions. 

“I thought you were going to talk to Shane.” she asks when Rick steps in. 

“He needs to rest. I told him we’d talk in the morning.” Rick replies, shrugging out of his uniform top. 

“What about Y/N? Is she alright?” Lori prods. Rick nods. 

“She seems fine. I’m glad too. I don’t want anything to happen to her, or any of you.” 

“I guess it’s a good thing she has Shane.” his wife eyes him. Rick sits next to her. 

“What are you trying to imply, Lori?” he asks quietly. 

“Nothing.” she shrugs. Rick sighs and wipes a hand over his mouth. 

“You think they’re doing something?” he asks, turning to raise an eyebrow at her. 

“I mean, not for certain, but come on. You know how Shane is. And Y/N, well, she is a beautiful girl.” she replies. Rick waves her off. 

“I doubt anything is going on. If something was, I’d trust Shane to tell me.” he says, stretching out and motioning for Lori to join him. She doesn’t, instead giving him a steely stare. 

“You really believe that?” she asks. 

“It doesn’t matter right now, Lori. Come on, let’s get some rest.” he says. Lori reluctantly lays down with him. 

You wake up fairly early, snuggled into Shane’s arms. He was holding you so tight when you tried to sit up, you couldn’t quite get out of his grasp. The movement made him stir and his eyes snapped open. 

“Hey, it’s okay.” you murmur. He blinks several times and looks at you. 

“You scared me.” he says, and you whisper back an apology. He strokes your hair gently with one hand. “I should probably get up and take over watch.” he mumbles. 

“I can stay up with you.” you tell him. 

“Absolutely not.” he replies, managing to tear himself from you. You sit up. 

“Well, I’m not going back to sleep.” you say, crossing your arms. 

“That’s up to you, but I’ll tell you what, you’re going to keep your ass in here until it’s light or I come and get you. Understand?” he says, opening the tent to put his boots back on. 

“Fine.” you pout. Shane sighs and turns to you. 

“I just want to keep you safe, okay? I know it’s what Rick would want. So just, stay here and rest, please?” he asks earnestly. You sigh and agree. “Thank you.” 

Shane slips out of the tent and zips it shut. You lay back down and wrap yourself in blankets, finding yourself wishing Shane was there to hold you. It felt too silent without hearing his heartbeat against your head.  

Your thoughts drifted to Shane. He was a sweet man, and really handsome. You were grateful for him. Your mind wandered to Lori, and how suspicious she was of you around him. You would admit to only yourself that you had a crush on him, but there’s no way that would be reciprocated. Shane enjoyed your company, and he was protective of you. Maybe he saw you as a little sister... or a daughter. The thought puts a weight on your chest. 

Morning comes faster than expected and you drag yourself out of your tent after getting dressed. The rest of the survivors were sorting bodies, burning the walkers and burying the people. 

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” Rick asks. Your dad shifts uncomfortably from foot to foot, and you shrug. 

“What’s up?” 

“I just want to make sure you are okay, y’know after last night.” he murmurs, pulling you aside. 

“Yeah, I guess. As okay as one can be.” you reply, crossing your arms. 

“Right, yeah, of course. Shane was there to protect you, though, right?” he asks tentatively. You start to nod and then look closer at him. 

“What are you trying to say, Dad ?” you squint. Rick licks his lips and shrugs. 

“Nothing, I’m happy he’s there-”

“Stop. Did Lori say something?” you ask. He hesitates. “Answer me.” 

“Y/N-” he starts. 

“Stop it.” you tell him, walking away. You go and find Lori. She was getting Carl ready for the day inside their tent. 

“What did you tell him?” 

“What do you mean?” she asks, confused. She tells Carl to head outside and find Carol. He does so reluctantly. 

“You think Shane is doing something with me, don’t you?” 

“I’m just concerned-”

“About what? First of all, nothing is going on between us. Second of all, it’s none of your business if there was. I am an adult, and I don’t need you to tell my dad on me.” you tell her. Before she can say anything, you step out of the tent, leaving her alone.

Your dad and Shane were off doing a sweep of the woods and when they came back, tell the group that the next move was to head to the CDC for answers. Shane didn’t seem too thrilled about the plan, but he had stepped back since Rick arrived. 

After getting everything packed up, your dad stops you. 

“Why don’t you ride with us?” he asks. 

“I’m going with Shane,” you push back, hauling a box into the back of his Jeep. Rick sighs. “Besides, is there even room? I thought the Peletiers are going with you.” 

“I would love a chance to get to know you.”

“Don’t do that.” you say. 

“What’s going on?” Shane walks up concerned. 

“I want Y/N to come with us.”

“And I’m going with you.” you tell him. 

“I think you should go with your dad, darlin’.” Shane murmurs. 

“But-” you start.

“Please.” he tells you. You sigh reluctant, but agree. It’s not that you objected to being with your dad. You just didn’t want to be stuck in a car with Lori, especially after how you snapped at her. 

“Alright, let’s go.” Rick says. You give a final glance to Shane before following your dad to the car. You squeeze in the back next to Carl. 

“I thought you were riding with Shane.” Lori says as soon as you shut the door. 

“Oh no, Dad suggested I ride with you guys.” you say sweetly. 

“Well that’s great, another person to play road games with.” Carl chips in. You turn your head and smile at him. 

“Yeah, bud, sure.” you say.

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