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After the mishap with Jim, the rest of the survivors made it to the CDC. The group stayed close together, heading to the entrance. It seemed like a dead end and Shane tried to convince Rick that they should leave before the door opened and they were allowed inside. 

Dr. Jenner, the sole person left in the CDC, allowed the group to get anything they needed before the door shut and insisted everyone submit to a blood test. After doing so, one of the group members, Jacqui, laments that no one has eaten days. 

Luckily, the CDC was fully stocked and the kind doctor treated the group to a feast including liquor and wine. Daryl was making fun of Glenn for already being drunk. The rest of the group seemed jovial, enjoying the food and company. 

You couldn’t help feeling a little sour about the whole thing. Shane seemed to feel the same way, asking the doctor exactly what happened with this whole outbreak. Jenner explains to the best of his ability what he knows. 

You keep your head down during dinner and follow numbly as Jenner shows the group the facilities. Everyone was excited about the prospect of a hot shower. 

After you were clean, and wearing clean clothes, feeling better physically than you had in weeks, you head to the room you had picked out. There was enough room that no one had to share, and unfortunately, that meant you wouldn’t be with Shane. You stop by his room anyway and hear more than one voice. 

“She’s 18 years old, Shane.” you hear Lori say. You press yourself against the doorframe and listen harder. The door wasn’t shut all the way, allowing for the noise to travel right to you. You could see a sliver inside, where Lori was standing in front of Shane. He was sitting on the bed. 

“What exactly do you think I’ve done, huh? You think I’ve fucked her?” Shane asks. He sounded irritated, and a little drunk. “Even if I had, why do you care so much?”

“She’s your best friend’s daughter. You have to know she’s off limits.” 

“Who the hell are you to tell me that? Just leave me alone about her, alright? She’s not your kid and if Rick wants to talk to me about it then he can do so.” Shane sighs. 

You hear Lori move towards the door and walk quickly back to your room, holding back tears as you do so. You were so angry that she would do that. You thought about telling your dad, but he has been drinking along with everyone else. You get into bed and roll onto your side, wiping away tears. 

It was hard not having Shane next to you. You had to admit, you had grown accustomed to having him next to you when you slept for the most part. The strange building felt cold and empty. You pull the blanket around you tighter and try to sleep. 

Sleep was evading you. You grew more frustrated trying. As you were nearing the point of tears, your door clicks open softly and someone enters the room. You turn your head as the door shuts, plunging you in darkness. 

“It’s just me.” Shane murmurs. He steps over to you and climbs into the bed next to you. He spoons himself against you, resting his head against your shoulder blade. His arm wraps around you, pulling you closer to him. He seems to fall asleep in seconds once he’s settled in. You enjoy the feeling of him wrapped around you for a few minutes before finally being pulled under as well. 

You wake up to Shane passed out on his back. You wanted to wake him, but decided he needed the rest. You admire his features for a minute, carefully tracing his face with your fingertips. You lean in and kiss his cheek gently, then get up and change into jeans and a t-shirt. 

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