Chapter 1

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this is for all u fuckwads on discord i hope ur happy. everything passed this is 100% unedited trash so YEET




This story is abandoned... I suppose if you still want to read it you can, it is completed, but the sequel is not. I am currently doing a rewrite, which is much better (so far) and I would love it if you check it out ^.^. 



I had been here all of my life. All that I remembered were these white-green bits of stone. My only company soulless black beings that would kill you if you so much as looked at them.

At one point, I assumed that I had a real life. However horrible it was, I wish I was back. At least there would be some variation in this bleak life.

The first time I woke up, I was confused and scared. The black creatures surrounded me, opening their mouths and showing their conflicted inside. They had tried to kill me; for some reason, it didn't work. I shoved them all away, and they were flung as if I had detonated a small bomb right where I was standing. As time wore on -or at least I thought it did, time was hard here- I noticed some other abilities forming. I could converse with these strange black beings. I was able to command them, and they listened to me. They called me "the Lord of the End" which made no sense. I was lord over nothing, and the end was only the final chapter in someone's life. Either way, I couldn't get them to stop.

Other abilities I found abled me to fly, and, finally feeling free for a few days, I soared. I also found that I could teleport, an ability the other creatures shared. Oh, and these black beings called themselves "endermen" in preparation for their Lord, which I suppose was me. They also talked of a large creature dark as night with piercing purple eyes such as themselves. Whatever it was, it wasn't coming.

One time, I decided to explore what was under this blank floating island. I had traveled deep into the black abyss, curious of what it might hold. For a while, I thought that there might be nothing. Maybe it was just empty space.

That was when I arrived at the place. It was washed in red, with creatures part themselves and part code. They floated around, traveling slowly to a pair of large black doors. The doors opened only momentarily, but when they did hoards of the creatures rushed through them. When the doors closed again, the wailing of the codes continued. There were pink docile codes and white, stick-like aggressive codes. I even saw a few endermen, but when I tried to talk to them they just stared at me with empty eyes. Well, the normal endermen had eyes very similar, but they still had one built-in instinct: kill. These had nothing to live for.

I had wanted to help these poor creatures, but when I drifted closer my own hands started dissolving into code. I had felt something foreign to me, which I eventually distinguished as pain. Horrified, I flew back up to the island. That was when I found the second island.

Underneath the first, it was much, much smaller. This little island was made of the same stone as the large island, but I discovered something completely new on this spot of land.


In the center of the small island, there was a little pool of water. When I touched it, I felt the cool liquid run over my skin. I stared at the water, finally seeing what I looked like.
I had expected myself to look at least a little like the black creatures, so I was startled when I found out the truth. Instead of the long, skinny black arms I had thought, I had short, pale arms. My shirt was a tattered light blue and my pants a dark blue. My hair was long and brown.

However astonishing my look was, what intrigued me the most were my eyes. They weren't purple, like the endermen, or black, like the humans the endermen talked of. They were pure white.

I had never seen solid white before, nor blue, light or dark. These new colors shocked me, and I stayed on the little island for quite some time, trying to wrap my head around these new changes.

After that, I never went down to the cursed red place again but traveled frequently to the little island. The endermen could never follow me because you need to know the place you are teleporting to, and they cannot fly. This was my little oasis. I ended up calling the large island Mortem and the small island Vita. Death and Life.

At one point the endermen seemed possessed with something and would not stop disappearing and reappearing with this black and purple stone. They would ignore me and built these tall spires out of the black stone. By the time they were done, there were black and purple spires everywhere, tall and short. When I asked about them, the endermen just said "He told us he was coming."

Whatever that means.

Talking with the endermen made me realize that there were more than one land. There was ours, the End they called it, and there was the overworld and the nether. There was also a land of dragons, whatever they were. When I asked them about the red land with large doors they froze up and stumbled around, forgetting what they were talking about.

I also learned that there was a father enderman, the first enderman. Apparently he spent most of his time in the dragon realm. I do not blame him; it is awfully boring here. And my ability to teleport... well, as I said before, to teleport you need to know where you are teleporting. As I don't know what the overworld or the nether look like, I am stuck here. And until something happens, it seems as though I will be here forever.

Oh, and another thing. When I first came, I had a name. I never use it, and I renamed myself Maria.

My name was Perfuga, which means traitor. I do not know why they gave me this name, or what I did in the past to deserve it, but I have never told anyone. Well, with only the endermen to talk to, who could I confide in?

I wished so bad for something to happen. If only some variation came into my life, shaking things up a bit.

One time I was wishing that more than ever, laying on the top of a tall black spire, staring at the dark sky.

That was when there was an explosion in the distance, followed by a roar.

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