Chapter 2

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Herobrine had been having a good day. He was going on a walk with his girlfriend, Mina, when everything went sour.

"Herobrine! Herobrine!" He turned around to see Notch sprinting towards them. "I did it!"

"Did what?" Herobrine looked confused.

"I created a portal to the dragon realm!" Notch cried. Herobrine's eyes widened.

"Why?" He got a startled look on his face.

"Now we can kill the dragons, and get unthinkable items!" Notch got a wild look in his eyes.

"Isn't the Nether enough? We have already made an easy portal to one realm!" Herobrine spoke.

"Don't you understand?" Notch shouted. "This is a major breakthrough! We could even get them for pets!"

"Notch, you might have made a portal without thinking," Mina cut in. "Can the dragons get through the portal?"

"I'll just have to show you," Notch muttered. "Come on!" He grabbed Herobrine and Mina's hands and dragged them to a small obsidian house. Inside, there was a glowing green portal, pulsing with power. The portal was created from bedrock.

"I lit it with a ghasts tear!" Notch exclaimed. Mina and Herobrine exchanged glances.

"Let's go!" Notched jumped in the portal before Herobrine or Mina could do anything.

"We should probably follow him," Mina commented.

"I'll go, you stay here," Herobrine commanded, starting toward the portal.

"I'm coming," Mina replied.

"I don't want you to get hurt," Herobrine looked conflicted.

"I'll sneak after you anyway. I'm coming," She told him. Knowing this was true, Herobrine consented. They both jumped into the portal after Notch.

Upon arriving, Herobrine instantly knew that Notch had made a very grave mistake creating a portal to here. Dragons of every shape and color were flying to and fro. They seemed docile enough, but every once in a while a fight broke out and the realm shook from the power unleashed. Notch was standing on the grey, cloud-like ground, spinning in circles and laughing.

"It's perfect!" He shouted. "Soon it will be ours!"

"Notch!" Herobrine ran to him. "We have to go back!"

"No! Why should we? This land is wonderful!" Notch replied.

"This is the dragon's land! It's dangerous! We have to go back through the portal and destroy it!" Herobrine pleaded.

"That's what you said about the Nether, and that turned out fine!" Notch wasn't fazed.

"This is different. There are real, giant dragons that won't hesitate to destroy you! This is much worse than the nether!" Herobrine paled when a small sky-blue dragon passed overhead, belching some fire.

"Notch, try to see some sense," Mina begged. "This isn't going to work out."

"It will, and I will claim this land for our own!" Notch had a crazy glint in his eyes. "I will show you, brother!"

At that moment the dragons seemed to finally notice the small creatures arguing on the ground. As many living things are, the dragons were very territorial and never let any other creature set foot on their land. And these little imbeciles were waltzing right into the center of it.

Roaring in defiance, the dragons shot towards them.

"Run!" Herobrine screamed. "Where is the portal?" Turning around, he saw the same sky-blue dragon fly down, about to grab him. Herobrine tried to outrun the small dragon, but it was not going to give up. The largest of the dragons shot him in the arm with something, causing him to stumble. Herobrine looked about him and noticed the portal 20 blocks away from him.

"It's over there!" He screamed, pointing at the portal. Sprinting towards it, he heard Mina scream. Mina was being overtaken by a large orange dragon. Herobrine shouted at Notch to help her, who was closest, but Notch ignored him. There was a small black dragon following him. Notch ran to the portal, shoved Herobrine in, and hopped in himself.

Back in the overworld, Notch teleported the portal to another realm, an ability he had possessed since birth. Herobrine felt strange from the poison that the dragon had injected. He tripped and fell, getting black spots in his eyes.

"Herobrine?" Notch whispered. He didn't have that crazy glint in his eyes anymore. "Herobrine!" Acting quickly, Notch grabbed Herobrine and ran out of the obsidian shelter.

"Help!" He called. Others quickly came to his aid. Herobrine moaned as everything went black.

Herobrine woke in a bed, with a witch and Notch beside his bed. He felt strange, and very powerful.

"It actually worked!" She looked astounded.

"You're alive," Notch whispered. At his voice, Herobrine turned his head towards him. "And your eyes are white!" Notch stumbled backwards. Undaunted by this new information, Herobrine tried to remember what had happened. Dragons. Poison. Notch, running towards him. Mina, getting taken away.


"You left her to die," Herobrine growled.

"I'm sorry," Notch told him.

"WHY did you make that portal? It was stupid!" Herobrine was getting agitated.

"I wanted to take over another land," Notch lowered his head.

"MINA DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!" Herobrine bellowed.

Notch looked very scared. "Herobrine, I'm sorry."

"There is nothing you can say that will justify your actions," Herobrine muttered angrily.


"I will END you!" Herobrine stared at Notch, balling up his fists.

Notch ran out of the house.

Glowing with power, Herobrine blasted the house to bits and flew after Notch. He was so blinded by his anger that he did not stop to wonder how these powers had come to be. Notch looked behind him to see Herobrine flying at him, and he realized what he had to do.

"I'm so sorry, Herobrine," Notch whispered before sending Herobrine to the one realm no person ever dared to go.

He sent Herobrine to the End.

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