Chapter 6

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I bolted upright, drenched in sweat. What happened? I had a terrible dream, I think. I racked my brain, trying to remember it.

"Maria? You're okay!" I saw a man running toward my bed. Who was Maria? Who was this man?

"Maria?" He knelt on the side of the bed. "Are you okay?"

"Who are you?" I tried to remember him. "And my name is not Maria."

"It's Herobrine, and of course your name is Maria. You told me so," His expression changed from confused to concerned. Suddenly, all of the memories came flooding back, along with the dream. Herobrine must have seen my face crumple into sadness, and he touched my arm.


"I remember you now, Herobrine. I-" My sentence was cut off by a realization. "Where did you get this bed?"

"I asked the endermen to get the materials and then I crafted it," He sounded embarrassed. "You fainted, and I thought you needed a bed."

"I've never slept or fainted before," I furrowed my eyebrows together in confusion.

"So, did you have a dream or anything? First time sleeping and all?" He made himself comfortable against a block of endstone. I flinched, his question hitting too close to home.

"How's your flying coming?" I asked him instead. His eyes lit up.

"Well, you were out for quite a while, so I managed to get in a lot of practice. I can get all the way up a pillar now!" His eyes shined and his face was animated as he made motions with his hands. I breathed a mental sigh of relief. The dream question had been avoided. I settled comfortably against the pillow and listened to his achievements.

"The endermen actually understood me! It took a few tries, but that's how I got the materials for the bed," He continued to explain.

"That's great," I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. "I can teach you how to speak dragon real quick, then we can move on to more difficult things."

Time passed quickly, and Herobrine learned more and more. We had long conversations in dragon and ender, and flew between Mortem and Vita often. He could teleport all over the island, and we even discovered his more violent abilities: pyrokinesis and electrokinesis included. I was weary of whatever other abilities would worm their way to the surface, but I was excited that we were not exactly alike. For instance, he could not warp light like I could. I was starting to notice his abilities were much more war-like, mine more docile.

"I want to be able to teleport to the overworld, and the dragon realm," He explained one day while we were sitting by the crystal-clear waters of Vita.

"Sure," I skipped a rock across the quiet liquid. "Just do the same thing you do with teleporting to a far place on the island."

"Okay," Herobrine closed his eyes, and a few seconds later, he disappeared with a loud POP!

"Herobrine?" I searched all over Vita, but he was gone without a trace.

"He just went to the overworld. That's what happened, of course," I realized out loud. Stupid, just wait for him.

Minutes stretched into hours, and I was getting worried. What if something bad happened to him?

"Herobrine!" I screamed with my extra-loud voice. Quick note: Another one of my abilities is to increase my voice sound, and this is not shared with Herobrine. "Where are you?"

Nearly seven hours later (I thought seven hours; time is hard in the End), I saw him sitting by the waters of Vita.

"Where have you been!" I smacked him upside the head in frustration. "I've been waiting forever, and I didn't know if you had been hurt!"

"Sorry," He muttered, dabbing at the water.

"What's wrong?" My anger melted away when I noticed his dejected demeanor.

"I went back to the overworld. I made it! You couldn't have contained my excitement. I flew to the nearest town, ready to find out where I had come back and where I should go to get back to my town. Only, the villagers were scared of me. They called me a demon, and chased me out. I just got so mad, wasn't I just like them? Only..." He clenched his fists. "I was different. I remembered all the taunts they yelled, telling me I could never belong. I had told them I wanted to be normal, and they were using that against me. I completely destroyed them." His distressed voice agitated me. "I annihilated the whole town. All that's left is a smoking crater of desolation."

I covered my mouth with my hand. "Oh my god, Herobrine. I didn't know you were capable of..."

"I don't think I am. It was an accident! All those lives..." His head bowed lower and lower.

"Maybe the overworld isn't ready for people like us," I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Sure," He shrugged me off. "I just want to be alone." He walked away.

My eyes followed his form sadly as he disappeared behind a hill before I slowly flew back to Mortem.

"I really want to go to the overworld," I murmured to myself. Wrapping my arms around my body, I realized how desolate the End looked. With nothing to compare it to, I had thought the End was a perfect home. When Herobrine told me about the overworld, with its green trees and interesting creatures, I started to notice the blankness surrounding me. The entire land was made of endstone and obsidian (Herobrine told me that was the name of the black-purple stone). There was one creature, the endermen, unless the enderdragon counts. The lack of variation in the End only makes me want to travel to the overworld even more, yet Herobrine does not seem excited to go back.

I furrowed my eyebrows together. Herobrine had not thought once about me while in the overworld.

For the first time, I started to wonder if I had made a terrible mistake. 


Oh my god I failed so bad. What is it now, the forth Thursday? (It's not Thursday today but whatever.)

I feel doubly terrible at the short chapter. 

Dang, I'll try to make it up to my few readers by posting multiple chapters over the next few days. See y'all soon!

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