Part 6

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Ι return home later than expected it was almost dawn and Ashrah was bound to come home soon. As I put everything in its place I heard something slip from underneath the front door. I went to check and found an envelope. It was a bit too late for the mailman to deliver letters but I didn't really care until I opened the letter.

"Wish to see your mother again boy? Come to the Kuatan Jungle alone tomorrow and don't even think about going to the Kahn for help I have eyes and ears everywhere. –Your true Empress Mileena Kahn."

"Kuso!" (Shit!)

I quickly opened the door and looked outside hoping to see whoever put the letter underneath the door but I couldn't see anyone who looked suspicious of the act. I went back inside and got ready. I took my double swords, my bow, and my arrows. But as I went to leave I noticed the box that Ashrah had ordered. I thought that it could be a weapon I could use like a throwing knife or something so I opened it. My eyes widen at the sight. A kunai with an intricate scorpion design, colored gold with silver ends like my clan's symbol. I almost shed a tear t its beauty and the memories it brought back. Ashrah must have done some research about my clan to know this, in any case, I was indebted to her. It didn't have a chain on it but that could easily be fixed later, now I had no time for this. I put it on my belt and thought I could use it in case of close-quarter combat. I quickly put my cloak over myself and went to head out but once again I stopped in thought.

"Where the fuck is the Kuatan Jungle?"

I had never been outside of the city before now. There was no way for me to ask around without arousing suspicion, gods knew the people of Outworld were nosy. Other than that there was another problem, how was I going to take down an army of Tarkatans? I sighed my stress building up I had to talk to the Kahn and tell him about it but how would I get to him without being seen by whoever is probably watching me?

Then I remembered the hatchet in our bathroom that led to the sewers. If I go down there I could easily make my way to another neighborhood and get out from a hatchet near the road. I nodded to myself but almost immediately changed my mind once I smelled the filth of the sewers. I took a rag and put it over my mouth and nose hoping not to get a disease while I'm down there and jumped in.

I quickly made my way down where the main road would be and went up towards the Kahn's palace. Once I was sure I was in the right neighborhood close to the palace I got out of the sewers not wanting to be in there a moment longer. I smelled myself a bit but thankfully the smell of the sewers hadn't attached itself to me much. I made my way toward the palace by using the back alleys I was then met with another problem, how would I pass the guards at the main gate? They could have been paid by Mileena to keep watch for me or something. Just then I noticed a group of female servants carrying boxes into the palace without being stopped by the guards, that's my new plan. I quickly head to the carriage and to my surprise find Asmara there, another friend I made when I first came here.

"Hey, Asmara."

"What the. Satoshi, what are you doing here?"

"Just saw you and thought I stopped by need any help?"

I asked and picked up a box from her hands that looked way too heavy for anyone to be carrying.

"Oh thank you so much, just follow me."

She said and we made our way to the gate. The guards did try to stop me from entering but Asmara quickly told them off and said that I was with her. As soon as I put the box where she wanted me to I quickly disappeared when she wasn't watching. I made my way up the large staircase hiding behind pillars and statues to avoid detection and made my way to the top to find the Kahn, D'Vorah talking about the Kuatan Jungle.

"Kano talked. Gave us the details on Mileena's location. She has the amulet, but she's got a lot of protection."

"We will strike immediately."

"Perhaps a two-pronged approach. The army will engage Mileena to distract her while This One retrieves the amulet." D'Vorah proposed but the Earthrealmer's leader wasn't having it

"Not alone. This One's coming with."

"Stealth is of the essence."

"Did you not hear me?"

"You may assist in the main strike-"

"Who is there!?" The Kahn suddenly called out in my direction effectively stopping the bickering among the women and drawing everyone's attention to me. I peek my head from the pillar and slowly come out with my hands in the air.

"I'm not here to hurt anyone I need to speak to the Kahn and ask for help."

"You're the boy from the market, Erron Black's friend. What is it you're here to say?" Kotal Kahn

"My mother Ashrah left early this morning for a job issued by you. When I got home after the events of the marketplace I found this under my door. It's a letter from Mileena" I said and gave them the letter. The Kahn looked at it his mind deep in thought as he read every word.

"You wish to join this fight?"

"Yes, although I am capable of fighting, I cannot handle a swarm of Tarkatans alone. It already sounded like you have the plan to distract Mileena and her army that is more that I need to search the place and find my mother."

I said determined to get Ashrah back. Kotal must have seen it too because he agreed without much thought. He said though that since I'm not a part of his army or his personal guard I will have to fend for myself during the whole thing and be left behind if I'm too slow, I agreed completely.

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