Part 11

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A few days have passed since then and everyone's wounds have almost healed. I was given a tent and new, clean clothes to wear as I waited for everyone to get better since I didn't have to go to the med bay because I had sustained fewer injuries than everyone else. As I head towards the med bay where they are held to have my bandages changed I can hear their laughter coming from inside the tent.

"You guys are lively as always"

"Satoshi? Come in don't just stand there." Jacqui called out and I entered greeting the man that was also laying down on a bed.

"Hope I'm not disturbing your rest, Mr. Cage."

"One, don't call me 'Mr.' again, Cage or Jonny is fine. Second, who am I to keep you away from your friends?"

"So Satoshi what brings you here?" Jin says his arm getting bandaged up by a nurse.

"I need to change my bandages, they got bloody again" I say as the nurse that was finishing up Jin came up to me with new bandages and rubbing alcohol. As I remove my shirt I notice the room becoming quiet. I turn to see everyone minus the nurse staring at my body with horrified expressions.

"When did those happen?" Cassie asks pointing at all the scars left behind from my years in Netherrealm.

"In the Netherrealm, when I was tortured" I answer as the nurse does her work.

"I thought you were in Outworld?" Jonny said from his bed having been notified probably by the general.

"He was in Netherrealm after he died after that he escaped to Outworld" Takeda corrects and he gets up while sending me a look that says 'We need to talk'

"Where are you going?" Jacqui asks seeing Takeda limp towards the exit.

"Just want to stretch my legs a bit. Satoshi, come with me" He says and I follow as soon as the nurse finished. We head somewhere where we won't be heard to explain to him everything as I did to Jin and just like Jin he had the same shocked expression.

"That's more reason to tell him!"

"But what about-"

"Satoshi he's your father he will love you no matter what. He has killed dozens of people to avenge you and your mother." Takeda said but could still sense my hesitation.

"If it makes you better I can be there when you talk to him. If for some reason he thinks you're lying I can be there to assure him of the truth. Remember I can read minds it would have been evident to me if you had lied that day." He assured and I agreed. We talked for a bit more about when and how we were going to break the news to my father and after I remembered something that I needed to ask him.

"Aren't you weary of all the Lin Kuei around here?" Takeda seemed confused by the question but then remembered that Lin Kuei was the one that had murdered the past Shirai Ryu. He instantly started explaining that Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu were no longer enemies, that the Grandmasters had made peace with one another since Lin Kuei finally admitted their wrongdoings and everything wasn't only their fault.

"What do you mean not their fault? They were the ones that killed everyone."

"Yes they were, but it wasn't the Grandmaster's doing..." Takeda proceeded to explain how a sorcerer from the Netherrealm had taken the form of the Grandmaster and led the Lin Kuei against us. He also told me that the sorcerer responsible was now six feet under, and my father had gotten his revenge.

"Still though, I don't trust them"

"Understandable" We hear a voice behind us and turn to see the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei standing there.

"How much did you hear?" I said defensively to which he answered with a simple 'Enough'. As he walked forward I stepped back a bit with hesitation something he caught on quickly and stopped walking.

"I know that a simple apology won't make up for the years of pain the Lin Kuei has caused you-"

"It's alright after all I did kill some of your people before I died, we can call it even". I said spitefully with venom in my tone which didn't go unnoticed. The Grandmaster sighed and Takeda nudged me to show some respect.

"The Lin Kuei is atoning for our past sins and with time I hope you will see us more as allies than enemies. But you should go talk to your father he will be most happy to know his son is alive and well." With that, he left us alone.

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