The visitor

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(Ranboo's pov)

"Hey! Wake up." A voice called, to there demand I slowly got up from my bed and opened my door. "Someone is thinking of adopting you, get.. presentable." The voice mumbled freak thinking I didn't hear. I did. I threw on a clean black and white varsity jacket, Some jeans and purple socks and boots. Very quickly brushing my hair out, and putting my hair clip back in, the small crown I found on my end side table one day.

I walked out to the room I remembered the way to. The same thing happened Everytime. I'd get adopted, Be ignored,Be brought back because of my freakish abilities. Being a half enderman wasn't the greatest for this place, I've never stays somewhere for more than a month. I opened to the door to see the staff muttering to eachother and their selves.

I sat down in the spiny office chair, Adjusting it so my legs didn't hit the table. "Ranboo don't do your freakish abilities maybe you'll get adopted this time." The staff memeber said as they walked to the door to open it. To my surprise the person in front of me was a hybrid, like me well not exactly.

His wings were grey and battered with different colors, some looked like they were painted on and the others natural. His hair tied up in a ponytail behind him, A heart necklace glowing with a small emerald dangling from his ear. His outfit looked familiar for some reason, He sat down on the other chair. "Hello there, I'm Phil." He reached out his hand, I just looked at it. I don't trust him entirely yet, Some of the kids here are hybrids and they love to pick on me because I can't control my abilities.

"Not a talker Huh? That's fine. Do you want to know about me first?" He pulled his hand back and placed it on his phone. I nodded slowly, I don't trust this entirely most people didn't like it when I didn't respond. "Well for starters,I have 3 kids at my house. Wilbur and techno are the eldest being twins. Wilbur has wings like me though he hasn't learned to control them yet, Techno is a piglin brute hybrid and keeps to himself most of the time. My youngest around your age Tommy, He's a shapeshifter I adopted him from here actually." Tommy. Hm. I don't remember a shapeshifter "He also can't control his powers,most of the time he transforms based off of us or people he's met. Sometimes how he's feeling" he can't control either? Huh. He doesn't seem to bad so far..

"Wilbur actually has a kid, A fox-Siren hybrid. They go by Fundy" it caught me off guard, my head popping up from looking at the table "yep. My kids like to call me old because of it."

(Phil's pov)

This kid is scared of me, I wonder what happened to him in his other homes. They said he's always 'returned' Like he was a item. "Well, You wanna tell me your name?" He looked away from me, supposedly because of being a hybrid. "Don't worry I can close my eyes if that makes you more comfortable? He nodded, and I agree with closing my eyes

(Ranboo's Pov)

He closed his eyes for me.. "I'm Ranboo, Ranboo B-beloved.." most people thought my last name made me sound selfish. "Well Ranboo, I think I might come back as it's closing soon." I looked at the clock, he wasn't wrong it was getting near when the visiting times stop. "Okay.." 

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