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A/N!! I've been reading Family,a adopted Ranboo au lately so I might start to get inspired by that 😅 (Fanily is written by Borkisded, warning theirs is really mature if you do read it)

(Ranboo's POV)

I lost track of time when we were on the trail but it was darker out

(For context they left for the trails around early noon now it's the evening)

"Hey Ranboo?" I looked towards techno "Yeah?" "What were your old foster homes like? Your really flinchy" I stopped and just looked down I didn't know how to explain it. Most were bad, every once and a while there'd be a nice one but they would turn fast. "Not like here." and I resumed to keep walking techno followed

-S n a p- "Did you hear something?" I looked towards techno wondering if he heard that noise too. It wasn't like a animal, "Yeah I did. That sounded like a stick breaking?" He walked towards a tree and started to club up it "HOW-" I was cut off by sounds of people around us. "Techno?" "Have you ever climbed a tree?" "What" He's question definitely confused me I stood there processing it myself, then he pulled me up by my horns "Stay quiet." I nodded in agreement and looked down the tree, There were people. They didn't look nice "Where is the thing?" One of them asked the others.

Techno got down to a lower branch and threw a stick at them "Hey! What are you doing here?" I was confused this was public wasn't it then I noticed, We could still see the house so this Is his property technically. "Nothing that bothers you freak." They tried to throw the stick back at techno but he caught it "I think it does, Your on my Property without permission and it looks like your hunting something, or someone." Techno can be scary if he wants I remembered Tommy telling me that but he was just talking, calmly.

"What? A freak hybrid like you owns property!? Hah! Don't make me laugh." One of them said looking straight at techno. "Ahem." I looked over where it came from, Phil!

"Mind telling me what's going on techno?" Techno hopped out of the tree and walked towards Phil, as the people here gave him a glare. "These people were hunting something. Dad." Th people all flinched when techno said dad, they didn't want any problems I guess? I climbed to the branch techno was on earlier "Please help, I don't know how to get down." Techno forgot that I was up there with him and he climbed back up and pushed me down. "Owww." "What? You got down." Techno jumped back down right next to me

"Come on get up" he pulled me upwards as Phil talked with the leader it seemed. "We're hunting a monster." "A monster? What kind,Or do you mean a hybrid?" Techno wasn't surprised hearing this, neither was i. "That's none of your business." The leader seemed mad about this,he turned back towards us and made a hand signal I didn't understand till someone pulled a bow out. Shit. "Ahem." Phil was behind the leader now, "Mind letting my sons free? And getting the fuck off my property." The leader made the person drop the bow and they all left like that

"Thanks Phil, Me and Ranboo were just taking a walk." Techno was so calm all of the time but even with a bow to his head, he didn't flinch. "Are you okay Ranboo? Those people are always coming around, not always the same group but there's always hunters." "I'm okay, little bit hurt from being pushed off a tree but I'm okay" "that's good." Phil started to fly back to the house, I mean why not fly if you have wings

"Want to go back? We've been out here for a few hours now." Techno was asking me I didn't notice he was asking me at first because he was lookin away from me "Y-yeah sure"

When we got back to the house, Tommy was pleading to Tubbo? "Boss man I have to go back to my house." "Nooooooo please Tubbo stay one more day" "a day to you means a week" I guess this is normal for them? "Oh Ranboo your back! I was about to leave before Tommy started begging me to stay, I'm leaving after dinner." Dinner, Right.

I hung out with Tommy and tubbo for a while, they showed the video games I had apparently played with them? "Hey Ranboo!" "Yeah?" "Why do you have such a shitty memory?" Tommy was asking followed by a punch to the shoulder by Tubbo "Tommy! You can't just ask someone that, idiot."

"It's fine, I'm not sure actually." I wasn't lying but still I felt like I did. "I'm going to turn in a bit early, if that's okay." "But we haven't even had dinner yet boss man?" "I know I'm not hungry!" "Okay then." I walked back up the stairs into my room, my room. It sounds so weird saying that.

Another A/N!!  My adopted Ranboo au is inspired by my own DSMP au and other peoples AUs for Adopted Ranboo!! So something's are inspired by others! Also I have a question for you, you wanna see some Angst and Fluff involving the Beeduo? Oh yeah.. Micheal is coming soon~

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