Someone Over

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(Quick warning,There will be angst but it relates to the plot so don't just skip it!)

(Mentions of Death btw)

(Ranboo's pov)

I jumped up from my nightmare. I was tucked in? My shoes were at my bedroom door,my jacket hung on the desk chair. Did I fall asleep when I hugged techno? "My book?" I guess they emptied my bags and put stuff away for me. I heard talking downstairs I slid off the bed grabbing my jacket putting it back on. I like it on. I opened my door and walked over to the stair case I noticed someone new was down there. It definitely spooked me seeing somebody else, but I built up the courage to walk down holding onto the rail all the way down.

"Tommy give me back my phone you dumbass!" "Haha your just short!" One I remembered but the other was new. I looked past the the staircase rail looking a bit like a small child with me crouching down on the stairs, I saw Tommy holding a phone up from a smaller person, a brunet jumping up and down to try and grab it. He had a bee sweater on with small wings attached to it, I think there a part of the hoodie.

 "Oh Ranboo you woke up, this is Tubbo Hes Tommy's friend." Phil said while looking up at the stairs, I walked down fully and introduced myself. I wasn't expecting someone here but I still acted polite towards him. "I'm Tubbo, I heard your a hybrid what kind? I'm a ram-goat human hybrid! Both my parents were half human but my dad was a ram and my mom was goat making me a mix haha!! So what about you?" I stayed silent at first. "You okay?" He reached out for my arm to comfort me and I just stayed still,Shaking out of fear.

I was a bit shocked when he just pulled me into a hug "I get that it's scary to meet new people!" I was mostly shocked that he hugged me, two hugs in a day? I didn't get hugs that often. He backed up from me after hugging me with a big grin, big enough to light up even the grumpiest person's day. "W-why?" "Oh! Well maybe I thought you needed a hug.. I'm sorry if I did something wrong." "No you didn't! I'm sorry I yelled but, No you didn't I just didn't expect two hugs in one day." I backed up more from him noticing I yelled.

My past foster houses didn't like it when I yelled, said it made me a brat. Phil walked over to me "Hey your okay now, Tubbo is Miss.Puffy's nephew. Nobody here will hurt you Ranboo." Phil opened his arms in case I wanted to hug him but when he noticed I didn't want to he put his arms back down. "Why does everyone keep having to state that you won't hurt me, I never said anything about my old houses."

 I put my hands into my jacket pockets trying to comfort myself. The room went silent for while then someone broke the silence, Tommy was talking. "My mom had died and my dad blamed me for her death, brought me to the woods and left me there. Luckily Wilbur and Techno noticed I stopped following them after I would get out from school and reported me missing. The police couldn't find me but they did on there own." Wilbur picked up the story "We went on a walk,I wanted to explore and techno wanted to go outside to read so we did then found Tommy who was stuck in a bush." 

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