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(There will be a A/N in the middle of the page randomly btw)

When I got to my room I noticed that the window was open, how did it get open? I reached to close it and saw something pink behind my desk "AHHH WHAT-" I fell backwards tripping over the chair onto the floor knocking the chair over with me. "W-what the?" I moved the chair out of my way to look under the desk "Are you..Okay?" There was small piglin under the table.

He didn't answer, He probably only knew Piglin. "One second." I walked over to techno's room and knocked on his door "Yeah?" "Can you help me with something?" "Uh sure.?" He was hesitant at first to my question but followed me anyway

He saw the piglin under the desk "How in. What?" "I don't know! I entered my room and the window was open and he was here!" "I think he only knows piglin." I added, "Makes since" techno walked towards my desk bending down towards the piglin.

(A/N!: the next bit is in piglin from lingojam, I'll translate for you but I recommend lingojam for learning enderman or piglin!)

"⍉⊛⇼ ⎔⊕◕◕⎔⊛ ⍏⦿⇼, ⊚⤞⊛ ⇼⊖⦿ ⊖⍀⊚⇼?" (Hey little guy, Are you okay?)

What are they saying? Must be piglin, "Um techno?" "Yes Ranboo?" "Can you ask how he got to the over world?" Techno nodded

"⍉⊖❂ ⍝⊕⍝ ⇼⊖⦿ ⍏⊛◕ ⍉⊛⤞⊛ ⎔⊕◕◕⎔⊛ ⋖⊕⍏⎔⊛◕?" (How did you get here little piglet?)

"◈⊚⍝ ⋖⊛⊖⋖⎔⊛.. 〃⍉⊚⊕☗ꕤ" (bad people.. Chains)

The piglin had a higher pitched voice, he must be really young.

"Ranboo?" "Yeah?" "I think the hunters that were in the woods, were looking for him." "Oh. Oh god." Techno reached his hand out towards the small one and he hesitantly grabbed it. Techno pulled him out from under my desk and held him with one arm, how the hell-

"⇼⊖⦿'⎔⎔ ◈⊛ ꕤ⊚⍚⊛ ⍉⊛⤞⊛, ⍝⊖☗'◕ ❂⊖⤞⤞⇼. ☖⇼ ☗⊚☖⊛ ⊕ꕤ ◕⊛〃⍉☗⊖, ❂⍉⊚◕ ⊕ꕤ ⇼⊖⦿⤞ꕤ?" Techno said while putting the kid on the bed (you'll be safe here, don't worry. My name is techno, what is yours?)

"☖⊕〃⍉⊛⊚⎔.. ❂⍉⊚◕ ◕⇼⋖⊛ ⊖⍚ ⋖⊕⍏⎔⊕☗ ⊚⤞⊛ ⇼⊖⦿?" (Micheal.. what type of piglin are you?)

"His name is Micheal,Ranboo" "oh okay" now I knew his name but, how did he get up to my room? He must be really athletic. "⊕'☖ ⊚ ⋖⊕⍏⎔⊕☗ ◈⤞⦿◕⊛" (I'm a piglin brute)

Micheal got excited and started to do little leg kicks and made happy, I think. Noises

"I see you got excited" Techno said joking "Do you know any English?" He made a symbol meaning 'Little' "That's okay I'm teaching Ranboo more English, You both can learn." He liked that and hugged onto techno's arm "Gah!" Techno came face first on to the bed from being pulled down. I couldn't help but laugh at the two, "Yeah yeah, Micheal please get off" Micheal let go and techno got up and left my room "W-wait!? What am I supposed to do with a child!?" I heard a small grunt from techno "That's real helpful."

I walked back downstairs to see that dinner was almost done, Tommy and tubbo were at the table. "Hey!" Tubbo said seeing me come down "Come sit down boss man!!" Tommy beckoned me on over, I walked over to the table sitting down "So boss man, did you actually sleep or?" "Uh no. I couldn't fall asleep" "Mkay" Tommy continued to bother Wilbur who was almost done making the food, it smelled good. "So what was that sound? Did you fall?" Tubbo asked me. Right, I fell over my chair "Uh yeah my tail got caught under my desk chair" "That's not very poggers" Tommy said butting in "Poggers?"

"Yeah! It's a good thing!!" "We sorta made it up!" Poggers, it sounds funny "Yk like Pog,Poggers and Pogchamp!" So many words that don't make sense.

I saw techno come back down with a book in his hand "Hey Ranboo! Here" he handed a book that said "Learning mob languages. Piglin,Enderman villager and more!" "Oh thanks techno! Can you just put it in my room?" He nodded and walked back up stairs "What was that for?" Tommy asked "So I can learn English!" "But you speak it really good?" "Well um. I-" I guess the longer I was around them, the more I learned. "Foods done, Tommy mind getting Fundy and dad?" Wilbur said while grabbing plates from the cabinets "Finnnneeeeee" Tommy said as he dragged himself over to the stairs to get them

"Ranboo?" "Yeah?" "Do you like spaghetti?" "⌇⌿⏃☌⊑⟒⏁⏁⟟? ⍙⊑⏃⏁'⌇ ⏁⊑⏃⏁?" "Oh sorry I meant, Spaghetti what's that?" Tubbo was more surprised to hear enderman "BOSS MAN WHAT DOES A CURSE WORD SOUND LIKE IN ENDERMAN!?" Tubbo said pulling me towards him "⏁⍙⍜ ⏁⍀⎍☊☍⌇ ⊑⏃⎐⟟⋏☌ ⌇⟒⌖" he let go of me once I said that "What does that mean?" "I don't know, what does it mean?" I laughed and Wilbur did to "That's not fair boss man-" Tubbo was cut off by Tommy and Fundy screaming "PASTA" while running down the stairs (Tommy had Fundy on his shoulders)

"For fucks sake, be quieter please Tommy" Wilbur said holding his head, Fundy pointed to the ground and Tommy put him back down "I'm sorry dad! I forgot you have a headache!!" Fundy said and hugged Wilbur, It was cute. "Tommy, I think Ranboo cursed in enderman but I don't know" Tubbo said as Tommy rushed over to me "DO IT AGAIN" "⏁⍙⍜ ⏁⍀⎍☊☍⌇ ⊑⏃⎐⟟⋏☌ ⌇⟒⌖"

Phil chuckled "I'm very rusty in enderman, but oh. Okay then." "PHIL WHAT DID HE SAYYY" Tommy said, Wilbur was just laughing at Tommy's need to know what I said "It's a verse in a song I like!" I said "So it wasn't a curse word?" Tommy and tubbo said at the same time "Well sorta. Here" I pulled out my phone and clicked on Lemon demon "This is my favorite artist, This was the song I said." Pointing to two trucks, Tubbo immediately grabbed his own phone searching up the song "You should probably wear headphones." "Okay?" He put in some earbuds and a few seconds later he was laughing "TWO WHAT DOING WHAT AHAHHAA" it was hard to understand him but I could tell he liked it "Heh!?" Tommy screamed confused

After eating dinner, Tubbo had to leave "By boss man!" Tommy said while hugging Tubbo "I still have to wait for my aunt to arrive Tommy" "oh right" he backed up from Tubbo "Pfft like I cared if you left. Fuck you" techno whispered something to me "We call them the clingyduo" I chuckled at it, it's funny.

A knock was at the door "That's my aunt! Bye you guys!" Tubbo opened the door to. Mrs.Puffy from the adoption center!? "MRS.PUFFY!?" "Oh hello ranboo! How are you enjoying living with the Minecraft's?" "I- W H A T" Tubbo started laughing "Did you know her at the adoption center?" Tubbo said "Uh yeah. She's the only nice employee there." "Unfortunately, it's true." Puffy said while grabbing tubbo's backpack "Tubbo?" "One second auntie! I forgot my jacket upstairs!" Puffy closed the door waiting for Tubbo to return

A couple minutes later he ran back down with a red hoodie in his hands, wait did I give him that? I don't think I did "Tubbo boss man isn't that Ranboo's-" Tubbo cut off Tommy "IM READY TO GO NOW!" Wilbur chuckled "and I thought Tommy was a raccoon" Why would he want my hoodie? "Bye Tubbo!" Everyone said, I didn't know if I could but I waved. I didn't know him very well anyway

A/N for my friend who made me upload this:Lemon demon. Two trucks having-

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