Cooking Lesson

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Hi! This chapter is short but also it has some Beeduo canon moment at the end (fucking Tubbo being Tubbo) sooo yeah! Enjoy~ Oh and hehe Ranboo w/ a gun

That was a eventful night. Tommy was on a date, I asked Tubbo out. Now I'm dating him?!?! I need some real food. I crawled out of my bed putting my book down on the bed and shifted my way to the door and downstairs "Food" I opened the pantry and grabbed some ramen to make "What's up?" "I'm Hungry mind making some ramen for me too?" Tommy looked over the couch very tired obviously

"Yeah, sure!" I grabbed one more packet of ramen and started to boil the water "soo. Deo?" "SHUT UP!" He threw one of the pillows at me from the couch "Hey! Hey! I was just asking" I tossed the pillow back towards him and he just rolled his eyes "Why were you and tubbo there?" "I asked him out" "HEH!?" He jumped over the couch and started to shake my arms gripping hard on my elbows "Hey! I can't tell you anything if you shakeee mee"

He stopped and leaned against a counter keeping direct eye contact with me "Uh can you not stare at me?" "Oh right sorry" he looked down at the ground "So. You asked out tubb?" "Yeahhh" "So are you two a thing now?" "Are you and deo a thing?" Tommy's face flushed up "SHUT UP!" He kicked my foot, it hurt a little. And silence, "You'll protect him right?" "Yeah! I won't let anybody hurt him!" The water was done boiling so I slid the ramen noodles in and then I noticed Tommy was leaning against me "Thank you Ranboo. For being a giant prick" "Whatever" I pushed him off of me with my tail

"Is it ready?" I- "No not yet, have you never made food before Tommy?" He looked away in embarrassment "You haven't-" "here I'll teach you or at least the basics of ramen" Tommy looked over at the pot of ramen and nodded "Great!"

I led Tommy through the next steps of the ramen and we eventually were done "There we go! It's simple and easy!" "Thanks" Tommy muttered barley able for me to hear "No problem!" He smiled then walked over to the couch to eat his plate of food "You want to hang out in my room?" "Actually that sounds more fun" he got up and followed me up to my bedroom

These two already a step ahead of me- I'm too scared to make ramen 🥲🥲

"Oh right, Micheal doesn't even know my name yet haha!" Tommy placed his plate on. the desk and leaned down to Micheal "Hey Micheal! My name is Tommy!" I laughed "He doesn't know much English yet tommy." "Oh, well what about tom?"

Micheal made some childish noises and then yelled out something that we both didn't expect "Mom!" "Pfft-" "No! Tom!!" I was laughing so much I dropped my plate but it didn't matter this was funny enough "BOYS GO TO SLEEP ITS MIDNIGHT" Phil yelled from downstairs "SORRY DAD!" Tommy yelled down then looked at Micheal angry about him saying mom instead of tom "It's fine Tommy heh" I couldn't hold back much of my laughter "Can I stay in here with you?" Huh? "Oh yeah sure"

I pulled out some blankets and pillows and things from the hallway closet and plopped them down for him making a bed "Here, sorry it isn't-" I noticed Tommy had wings "Oh right your a shapeshifter arnt you?" He looked over at me and was confused "Huh? Oh look at that! I haven't actually shape shifted in years!!" He smiled brightly looking at the reddish wings on his back "Makes me tired though" he yawned then layed down face first on the makeshift bed falling asleep fast, and I went to sleep on my bed well layed down on It, I grabbed my phone and questioned texting Tubbo but then noticed he texted me a minute ago

'You awake?'-T


'Cool cool, wyd?'-T

'Laying down in my room with Tommy and Micheal wbu?'-R

'Trying to block out my cousin's rambling about his partner'-T

That's ridiculous Heh I wonder which one though

'Which one?'-R

'Uhhh it's hard to tell they sound around the same sometimes hold on'-T

'It's Noah?'-T


'He goes by foolish right-' -T

'Don't worry bout it!'-R

'He's talking about somebody named Sam? Maybe the dude from the restaurant?'-T

'That'd be a odd pair 🤣'-T

'I'm going to bed night tubbo'-R

'Night sexy'-T

Night W H A T !?? Uhhhhh

'😀 what'-R


"Okay thennn." I plugged my phone in and noticed Micheal was sleeping next to Tommy "Aww" you know what. I grabbed my phone snapping a picture of them "Heh" and I put the phone back down and fell asleep

(When they woke up around 6 AM)

"School time idiot" oh right that. Tommy was standing beside the bed all ready for the day in a blue sweater with the words club Sunday on it and some jeans "Micheal? Where's Micheal?" "He's downstairs" I sighed in relief "Okay thanks can I?" He ran out of my room slamming the door shut "Thanks." I pulled on a white t-shirt and a floral shirt over it just to annoy Tommy

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?" Tommy yelled when I exited my room "What?" I walked downstairs proud of myself

"Boys! School was canceled for some reason they didn't specify." "YOOOO" Tommy yelled very happy "Oh okay Phil!" 

Yes Tubbo did call him sexy throwback to when Ranboo was live and tubbo called him sexy in front of 80k people/ender particles :D and you know the other times Tubbo's called him sexy lmao

Also I'm losing motivation for this story, I'm honestly going through a writers block and keep starting stories but not being able to keep it going so I might write a one shot sort of book where each chapter might be a different fandom or duo or something Idk

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