Micheal, my ⟒⋏⎅⟒⍀⋔⏃⋏

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A few weeks had passed since Tubbo left, and I'd been hiding this kid in me and techno's rooms. "Okay Micheal, How do you say ☖⇼ ☗⊚☖⊛ ⊕ꕤ ☖⊕〃⍉⊛⊚⎔ in English?" (My name is Micheal) Techno had been teaching him the basics for a few days by now we hadn't really gone anywhere yet "M-Micheal!" "Good job!" "Good job Micheal!" Micheal reached out for me "Oh yeah?" He grabbed my hand and slid on a bracelet he made "Aw thank you Micheal" -Knock- "Micheal under the bed!" Micheal jumped down and under my bed

"Come in!" Phil opened the door and looked at us "What have you two been doing the past days?" "Nothing much just teaching Ranboo written English since he still struggles with it!" techno said putting the blanket down in front of the side of the bed (hanging off I didn't know how to explain it) and getting up, I followed and sat on my desk chair

"Well Tubbo is going to stay with us for a couple of days, Puffy said she has to go find clay as he got lost exploring with his friends" "lol" techno said not letting him finish "And he's already here." "Mkay, See ya Ranboo" techno left and went to his room and Phil left mine "How do I explain Micheal to Tubbo?" ! Speak of the devil.

"Hey boss man!" Tubbo was leaning in my door frame "Whatcha doing?" "Nothing much. Just figuring out English" "Oof, Wanna play MC? Me and Tommy have a server with Wil!" "A server?" "Yeah I'll show you it!" He walked over to my desk and installed a few things, a lot of things I didn't understand "And there!" I was in a server with a bunch of people I didn't recognize "Oh okay!" "You use discord to talk to everyone, I added me and Tommy to your friend list! And also added you to the MC server's discord server!" He walked out of the room with a big smile

I opened a voice chat that had Tommy in it "hello?" "RANBOO! THE BOOBER BOY!" "Please don't call me that-" I was cut off be someone talking in the server "Hello? Is this thing working?" "Yeah! Ranboo this is Sam,She's Dream's little sister. She's our age "(A/N:Just a reminder The benchtrio and all minors are in middle school instead of High-school) "Hi! I'm Ranboo" "so Ranboo. You ever set a tnt trap before?" "Um no?"

The next couple of hours I played with Tommy's friends on different servers doing different things each time "BOYS!!" I heard Phil call upstairs "Uh Tommy I think Phil is calling us" "You got it boss man, Bye Foolish!" "Bye guys!" We both left the VC and stepped outside out rooms, at the same time coincidentally. "What is it?" Tommy asked "mind explaining who the hell brought a polar bear home?" "Oh that's me, sorry Phil" techno said exiting his room "HEH!? TECHNO WHAT-" Tommy was cut off by the sound of a polar bear running up the stairs to techno "This is Steve, He's just a cub Phil. Please?" "You'd keep him even if I said no wouldn't you." "Yep!" I heard Phil take a deep breath "Fine. But the moment he can't be picked up, he gets a pen outside I don't need a giant polar bear in my house." "You got it!" Techno picked up the polar bear cub and carried it to his room

"Hey Phil?" "Yeah tommy?" "I um. I might've of adopted a spider." "What-" Tommy pulled a tarantula out of his bandana "I named him shroud!" "Okay then.."

The next couple of days were pretty normal, Playing Minecraft and other games with Tommy and tubbo. Trail walks with techno and his pet Steve, teaching Micheal English up-till today.

"Tubbo-" "What have you been doing?" Tubbo entered my room while Micheal was not hiding.. I'm so fucked. "This is Micheal, he's a piglin I adopted?" "RANBOO YOU DIDNT TELL ME WHYYY" "Tubbo shush!!" "Right. Heh" he ran over towards Micheal "what's his name?" Tubbo said looking up at me, I picked Micheal up from my bed "I'm Micheal!" Micheal said "Micheal." "Oops." "Hello Micheal, I'm tubbo" (Tubbo didn't listen the first time lol)

"Please don't tell anyone else" "Else?" "Techno knows, He's been teaching him English" "oh cool, I won't. On purpose I've been told I'm bad at keeping secrets" so 50/50 chance Tubbo tells someone that's good, I guess? I put Micheal on my bed "So, Your a dad?" "I guess" "Your only 15, that's really brave and cool of you boss man!" He hugged me, his horns made him seem taller since they hadn't curled yet "Your a goat/ram mix right?" "Yep!" "How come your horns haven't curled yet?" "Oh! I got my horns really late, By late I mean a couple of years ago!"

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