Blood Moon

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(Ranboo pov)

When I entered the house I forgot about Kristen, she was there looking very mad or worried for me and Tommy "Tommy! Don't be a raccoon!" She yelled as Tommy tossed back a wallet which apparently was Wilburs "HOW DID HE-" Wilbur yelled when Kristen handed him his wallet back. This house yells a lot for the parents being quiet, I wonder why? "Hey Ranboo?" It was Kristen "Yes?" Please don't yell at me for leaving. "You should give Techno a visit, he got really worried about you" Techno? Oh right I was technically his friend now, I should say hi.

I walked upstairs and to where techno's room was but it was empty "Huh?" I looked around and noticed a corny below the trapdoor to the attic "Techno?" I mumbled picking up the crown and going up the ladder "Are you-" when I got up there, techno was in a corner with his cape scattered on the floor and a sword stuck in a wood pillar "Techno?" He didn't hear me. I wonder what's going on? I've never been in the attic, there was a futon next to piles of books and a cow plush on the futon, A incomplete robot with a TV head and blue sweater next to it looks like it was still being made.

I walked slowly over to Techno "T-techno? I'm sorry I left" when I got close enough I heard him mumbling some repeated words

"My fault"

"I'm sorry"

"I didn't mean too"

He repeated over and over "Techno?" I touched his hand slightly and he flinched and looked up at me his eyes were tinted red and he had tears coming down his face, his hair was messy and all fluffed up instead of in a braid. "R-ran?" Techno said the red tint slowly disappearing from his eyes "Yeah!" I sat down in front of him just to get pulled into a tight hug and I felt the tears drip onto my hair but it didn't hurt me psychically but I still felt hurt?

"I'm so sorry.. I drove you away didn't I? I knew the voices were getting bad because of the blood moon soon but I didnt-" Techno stopped talking hearing the trapdoor open, it was Wilbur "Techno!" He called then noticed me "Oh Ranboo.. we should probably explain this shouldn't we?" I nodded confused on what he was talking about but I did want to know more

Soon enough everyone was in the attic, Techno had a cape over him rubbing his crown repeatedly. "What's up?" I didn't know how to ask but I did need to start this somehow "Techno? Do you want to explain or can I?" Phil asked Techno who just looked away "Okay, Well Techno has voices in his head. They sometimes get more and more loud, or aggressive but they mostly get worse around Blood Moons." Wilbur was sitting next to Techno now comforting him

"What are blood moons?" I asked before Phil resumed talking about the voices "It's a special type of night, you can't sleep it away and more monsters are around at night and more violent. And neutral mobs become aggressive" neutral.. where have I heard that before? "But techno is affected by it from a curse he has" me,Tommy and tubbo got spooked by that

"Dad you never said techno was cursed!" Tommy said just as speechless as me and tubbo "He doesn't like to talk about it." Wilbur said who now had Techno sleeping on his shoulder "Ranboo?" Phil snapped me back into reality I zoned out looking outside to the sky, it was dark now. "Yeah?" I didn't want him to worry bout him but what if I got aggressive from the moon? I am a half enderman.

-A few nights later they explained it all to them-

(Third Person)

Techno had been staying up in the attic dreading the blood moon night. "Please, don't make me hurt him." Techno mumbled trying to talk to the voices

(Sort of a techno/Third pov thing)




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