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[Tanaka POV]

It's now Monday and I'm sitting on my bed contemplating if I should even go to school today. "Maybe I could just...fake being sick? No I suck at that... and I promised y/n that I would sit with her at lunch today...fine I'll go but I'm not gonna like it." I said out loud to myself as I got up and finally put on my shoes and made my way out the door and towards the school.

Once I got to the gym, a couple minutes late like always after getting changed for morning practice I went into the gym and made way way to daichi and sugawara. "So...what am I doing toda-"

"5 laps." Sugawara said.

"Wha-what why!!" I asked irritatedly.

"You offered the other day after we got the video and I'm not gonna take it as a joke so...run." Sugawara said with an evil smile.

I groaned in annoyance and went to where we normally start our running laps and went in my running position and waited for sugawara to tell me to start.


I began running around the gym. I've done this so many times I'm not even that tired after 3 laps until I get half way through my 4th lap and y/n walks straight through the door right where I am running. Before I could catch myself and stop I collided with y/n's shoulder and we fell on the ground.

I groaned and held my throat and chest where her shoulder collided with me and I got up and reached down to help her up. "I'm so sor-Sorry y/n let me help" I said while stuttering from the soarness In my throat and chest which caused my voice to crack a bit.

"Get moving Tanaka!" Sugawara shouted.

I choughed a bit and replied "ye-yeah sorry!" And began running again after apologizing on e again to y/n.

After my 5 laps I made by way back to y/n. "I'm so sorry again y/n I didn't see you in time an-"

"It's ok Tanaka-senpai I'm fine at worst I might get a bruise and not even a bad one it will be fine your overreacting" she said, she was always so nice to me and that's one of the things I admire about her. Her kindness. Whenever I try to be nice in public people always get scared because the first thing they think is that I'm a delinquent when in reality I rarely try to get in trouble. Key word... Try.

"Thank you y/n.. also are we still on for lunch today?"

"Um yeah I wanted to ask some questions"

"Ok sure that's fine"

I began to blush and stepped away to the bench. Once I got to the bench I sat down and began to answer some of y/n's questions. Once they were done y/n thanked me and went to talk with kiyoko. Once she tuned away I put my head in my hands and thought for a moment.

She smiled at me. I don't know what this feeling is. It kind of feels like how I felt for kiyoko but... different. Maybe I just really admired kiyoko. Maybe it wasn't love, maybe it was just admiration and I just wanted to be close to her. But with y/n it feels different. She's cute, funny, smart, talented.

All the other girls in this school, they feel different from y/n. My stomach turns when I see y/n but not in the bad way. If feels like I could be myself near her, not some "delinquent" that everyone calls me.

I decided to finally stand up and move on from my thoughts. I could think about them later. Diachi had called an end to our practice and told us to clean up the nets and volleyball.

Once we had finished with cleaning everyone quickly filled out the door and headed for the main building so they could get to their first classes.

We had gone through the first two periods of the day and I couldn't get my Mind off y/n and her smile. What made her different...

Sorry I haven't been uploading very recently. I have some huge projects going on at school but I will try to upload when I have time.

Words: 742
Date publishing this chapter: March 22nd 2022

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