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(Tanaka's POV)

It's been a while three period since practice and now it's lunch. In my mind there is still y/n everywhere. I've become more aware of her presence when she's near me. Even when I don't see her I can feel when she is. It's like my body is on hipper focus and I can't stop it. I just keep staring at her and when I'm not around her she clouds my mind like she's the clouds and the sun is anything else I'm thinking about at that very moment. But she's not like a cloud she more like the sun. You beautiful but you can't stare at it to long or you'll go blind.

Since it was time for lunch it was also time to eat with the team... or what ever team mates got to the gym. Today there was Suga, daichi, kageyama, and Hinata who are always here, and finally noya, and kiyoko. I went to sit with the third years and noya who were sitting on the stage eating from their lunch's and watching kageyama and Hinata practice with a single volleyball and... no net.

"So um what's up guys?" I asked and sat in between noya and suga.

"Nothing much just talking about random things nothing important." Daichi said and I nodded.

"Tanaka!!! What's going on between you and y/n!!! You guys seem really close!!!!" Noya says right in my face almost bursting my ear drums.

I blush slightly. "HUH!! Nothings going on what made you think that!!!" I said loudly.

"Oh really? Are you sure because you to seemed pretty close while she was asking you questions and making jokes with you." Suga said as he began to but into the conversation.

I blushed even more. "WH-WHAT THERES NOTHING WEIRD YOUR WEIRD IL HAVE TO GO BECAUSE...BECAUSE I HAVE TO...I HAVE TO WALK MY FISH!!!! BYE" I said and picked up my stuff and ran out the door.

(Sugas POV)

"Yeah there is definitely something going of between those two... and if not both of them then Tanaka." I said and turned to kiyoko.

"Yeah I'm not surprised I mean he's calmed down with me and I mean if y/n is gonna help me with that then I'm completely fine with it." Kiyoko said and she began to poke me with her elbow and smile.

"Y-yeah" I said and blushed slightly at kiyokos motions.

You see I've had a crush on kiyoko since the first year of us being on the same team. But when Tanaka began to show signs of liking her I backed off for a while. That doesn't mean I don't like her and she knows I do. I confessed to her in first year and she said she would have to think about it. I told her I would wait for her and recently we have been getting closer. I'm just happy That if me and kiyoko do happen then it won't have ti be awkward between me and Tanaka.

(Time skip to after school)

I got a notification on my phone from daichi.


Practice is canceled. Coach and I have personally matters to attend too. Go home and get rest for tomorrow. He have things to do during practice tomorrow and you will want some rest.
(This message has been sent to everyone)

Thank you daichi I will be going home.
I hope you get some rest.
I need to talk to you tomorrow btw.

(Back from message)

I thought for a second. "Maybe I should confess to kiyoko again... so she knows I still have feelings.. who knows when I will get the courage to again." I thought and amped myself up. "Right I'll do it tonight."

I pulled out my phone and began to text kiyoko.


Kiyoko I would like to talk to you
Are you free to talk tonight
Or have you left school already?

(Out of messages)

I waited about five minutes before I got a response and this is what it said.

"Sure I'll meet you by the front gate of the school I'm just finished helping a teacher with bringing some papers to the office. I'll be outside in about 5 minutes."

I smiled. This is really happening. What will she say?

Five minutes pass and I see kiyoko walking towards me.

"Hello kiyoko. I was wondering if I can walk you home so I can talk to you for a bit about something?"

"Sure let's go." She said was a slight smile.

We've been walking for about seven minutes and I was now ready to tell her.

"I.. kiyoko I still have feelings for you. It's ok if you like someone else... but I wanted you know that I haven't given up even after 2 and a half years. And I wanted to know if... you would take me?" I ask as we turn onto her street.

I look at kiyoko and she has a smile on her face as she is watching the ground as we walk.




"Yes I will have you... I've been waiting to see if you would confess again... because I have grown to like you. Your kind... you help others even if they struggle. And you are very... um... your very cute..." she said and looked away. I stoped in my tracks...

"So... you..you like me too?"


"So... am I allowed to ask?"


"Kiyoko will.." I took a breath to calm my repetitive beating heart against my chest "...will you go out with me... and be my girlfriend?" I was so nervous.

"Yes... I will..."

"Could we... keep this from the team.. I don't want them to freak out immediately... and I want to have you to myself before we are bombarded with noya and maybe Tanaka."

"I was about to say the same thing..." kiyoko said as she began to glance at me.

"Um this is your stop right?" I asked even though I already knew from how many times I walked her home before.


"Ok I'll see you"

"Mhm" she said as she nodded.

She turned to go inside but i gently grabbed her wrist and turned her to hug her. "I really... really like you kiyoko."

"Me too Suga"

"Call me K"

She laughed quietly. "Ok K.. I'll see you.."

I smiled "yes..." I said and leaned my head against hers. "I'll be leaving now." I said and pulled away slightly and moved to give her a kiss on the cheek and began to walk away and threw the gate to her house and waved goodbye to her as and began to walk away.

We are together... finally...I'm so happy...


I tried really hard with this episode and I'm sorry it doesn't have much of Tanaka but I really enjoyed writing about a Suga x kiyoko love story so you with see more of them. They are going to be a very fluff themed relationship and I will update as soon as I can.


Date: 5/8/22
Words: 1188

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